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With a smile almelexia rises from a table in the tavern.


-Stop right there guys!


They answer with a high voice


-What do you want my lady


Almelexia looks at them with a smile


-Dont call me my lady an you have been banned.


they looks at her with a smile


-what do you mean hehe banned?!


Almelexia startts to laugh slowly


-Yes I am a moderator and now you have been banned or strange behaviour.


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Seran drops his drink after hearing the great smash of glass in the room. He kicks the door open to see a smashed window. He rushes to the empty frame and looks out, seing Fode lying on the ground unconcious. Seran climbs out of the windown and scales the brick wall of the tavern for two stories and then drops almost silently next to the unconcious Nord. He drags his sprawled out body with some difficulty to the alley between Stinking Barfly Tavern and the opposing building.


After rousing Fode from his uconcious state he quietly asks him,


What is it you said about a Werewolf?

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Mechlin is just walking down an ally and trips over sombody and falls.


what the ..?


Mechlin see's Seran and say's


ARRRGG!! where can I find a drink around here?

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in the distance // mechlin hears the sound of footsteps but no one is to be seen or heard


the footsteps grow in volume until they stop


Mechlin looks about in terror and lets out a loud shriek of pain as a bottle comes crashing down on his head


"theres your drin" a puiet voice mutters


dogs bark in the distance and the footsteps continue but at a starteling pace they round the corner out of sight and all is silent except for the faint sounds of the wind.................................


he is gone


seran stands in awe for an hour ....................... and then continues about his business with a slight anxiety

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Fode's eyes burn with a fiery hatred at the mention of a lycanthrope, he rises to his feet and unsheaths his claymore, now obviously of deadric creation," this werewolf.... i did not see him, i cought part of a conversation, the person said they were a werewolf, as an explanation for their survival, i ofcourse was ready to destroy the fell creature, but i was struk with an empty bottle and renderd unconsious, then i awoke in a room, broke the window and here i am, so this werewolf in our midst do you have any information on it?". Fode leans on his claymore trying to forget his pounding head ache.
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"yes" alex buts in hoping he is talking to him



" i have been hunting him for many months and i believe his laire to be in the ancient sewers of dimbafu, not far from where we stand"


"i was just about to head that way if u wish to come?"


he was then forced to leave because computers class was over

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Mechlin wonders about the streets untill acedently stumbleing into the taven


DARR!!! I say, I have been hit me head by a sneaky coward who knows where he be?

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"i have been called many things before but a sneaky coward that is a first"


a dark masculine figure said standing up, behind him he slowly drew out a small throwing dagger.


"not many call me these things and live but, i wish to apologize, out there i was hunting a ware wolf and very close until your voice scared him away he was resting and i was about to end it rather violently"


he then put back his dagger and instead removed a full bottle and said here u go.

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Fode snaps to attention and brandishes Mechlin with his claymore, "You dare call a traveling companion of Fode the Gory a coward?! or do you want a first hand lesson in how i got my title?" Fode growles as he now lowers his claymore to Mechlin's neck. "Now if you will excuse us there is a lycanthrope that must be slain!" Fode then lowers his claymore and rests it over his sholder
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"relax fode, this man has no evil intention, or he would already be dead."


the figure then walks over to fode and speaks in a tone mechlin cannot hear.


"we have no quarrel with a drunk but he may become a threat , keep a watchful eye on him and i will watch the door i hear the beast we speek wanders in his human form around bars and taverns looking for weak drunk victims, hence we befriend mechlin.."


the figure then leasurley walked to mechlin and drew a bottle out of a pouch in his robe


"this bucardi blacklable is a great brew,,interested"

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