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Mechlin awakens drunk from all the free drinks he got and only remembers being hit on the head


What? uhh.. who? my head... ARRGG!!! what silly fairy hit me on me head!? OH wait Why am I so drunk!? Uhhh.. better yet, where the head!? I have to pee so bad it hurts! Dar! Out to sea we just wee off the side of the boat. I'm going to leak to bad it'll flood this place! Har Har Har

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Fode, turns in Dertuin's direction and says, "Aye, this local swill is the weakest brew Ive ever had, but Im just commin off my mead, so Im still quite drunk, and more than a mach for this lycanthrope....I could subdue the beast...I surely posses more strength than it, how bout I linger around the back of the bar for a while, you two could stand wach near by, I could atempt to restrain the creature and one of you strike a death blow, so what do you think of this?"
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"i agree with that" suddenly there was a sound of running footsteps and a slight thump on the tavern roof


"this spot should be sufficient"


"what about u Seran"


"eithher way pocket your ring fode, and take some bottles with you"

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"Aye that I will" Fode removes his ring and stuffs it in the burgandy pouch with the strange skull, and trots tward the back of the bar, snaging a few bottles off a barrel on hi way, Fode adapts his movement and posture to resemble one of the drunken locals, and proceeds to stumble to a section wall adjacent to the back door of the bar, Fode drops one of the bottles deliberately to more resemble a drunk, Fode finds a sutible area of the wall section to mimic a drunk leaning on the walll, and dose just that, Fode also hides a nordic silver dagger at his side with the other bottle he aquired, Fode finaly looks up, thinking, "common, take the bait....".
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Seran darts quickly to an opposing building. He scales the wall with ease and rests himself on the window cill of the first floor. Holding onto the window frame with one hand Seran leans out over the alley at the back of the tavern. He sees fode in his drunken position. All is quiet accept for the soft padding of large feet on the wet alley floor....
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Armiena casts a chameleon spell and creeps up to Titanius's room unseen. She silently unlocks the door and goes in.

"Titanius, you've gotta get out of here. There's a crazy Nord trying to hunt you down. Go to the woods; I'll meet you there tomorrow."


Titanius jerks his head up and down to show he understands. Armiena casts an invisibility spell on Titanius to conceal him.


He stretches out on the floor, then bursts through the door. Titanius scrambles through the tavern, running outside, and towards the woods. The spell wears off while he runs through the street, but before the guards can react, he's already gone.

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just as the steps could be heard a drizel begins



At first it seemed the sound was coming from the dark abyss of the night........then a shadowy form began to take shape from the darkness...


it was visibly massive and each step looked as if it were attempting to sneak then it approached fode until it was in his face when.......from a window the some one warns him he nodds and he was heard trapesing off Dertuin quickly runs to the window to peer in but it is shut and the curtain is drawn

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OOC: Well it seems that we have had a bit of a mix up :D I think what happened is that while ALl was posting about the werewolf coming face to face with Fode Obsidian Knight posted quicker and made it escape. However All was not aware of this and then psoted so the Werewolf is in two palces at once...i think this needs some compromise. Maybe it could come face to face with fode and obsidian knights character some how interveans and the Were wolf gets away...I dont know it just needs abit of fixing :D I will edit this with my post when the situation is resolved.
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Seran drops down from his position & calls out,


The beast is gone! It must have sensed out presence.


Seran sheathed his tanto & remove the ring, shimmering back into vision.


I believe we have discouraged from comming here in the near future & persuite through the forest would be dangerous. I think our job here is dont for the night gentlemen.

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