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"fine i will also stay, for i am weary from my journy here"


he walks into the tavern and bekons seran in asking


"Do u already have a room"


they would stay there the night until the first hint of daybreak then......................

the hunt begins ...........................again

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That i do my frien....


Seran is cut off mid sentance by the sharp TWWAANNG of an arrow lodging itself in the tavern door. Seran spins around, his tanto drawn but the figure is gone. Seran spins around again to see that the arrow has a piece of paper attached to it. Seran rips it off & read to himself....


Sorcella Martinues is the mark. He is a Captain of the Imperial Army, stationed at Ebonhart Council Chambers...Terminate with extreme caution & let none know of your actions. Payment will be as usual 5000 Septims.




Seran produces a flint box and torches the parchment of paper, being especially careful to melt the wax seal bearing a snake on it. He turnes to Dertuin and says,


Farewell friend, I will return


& with that Seran Ue sprints away into the darkness as quick as a cliffracer on moonsugar. He jumps over Fode who had drunken himself to sleep at the news of the escaped Lycan. With that Seran was gone.



OOC: Taking a Break for a bit

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Dertuin standing in awe mutters to himself "return soon i cannot sit on my hands for long"


he walks into the tavern rents a room with no windows enters it turns out all lights puts a chair in the darkest corner and sits facing the door.

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Fode, expecting a bloody brawl with a lycanthrope rambles in to the bar muttering to himself, Fode then takes a seat at a table and has a plate of grilled mud crab, not his favorite dish, but it is satisfactory, after finishing up his meal, fode gose about sharpening his dagger, just incase. But Fode suddeny stops in his wepon matenance, and walks over tward the stair case, and picks a tuft of brown fur out of a crack in the wooden stairs, Fode then says under his breath, "Well, well, well... the beast was inside....". Fode proceads upstairs, and finds a set of scrach marks on the wooden floor. These scrach marks lead to a room, Fode, being a barbarian, has a compleate lack of maners, and forces the door open, Fode's eyes light up at the abundance of evedence that his suspicions are right...the lycan was here, Fode's eyes drift over to an open window, Fode backs up and prepares to run and dive through the window, "Well, here we go again....".
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" i was wondering a where u were at" avoice spoke from the corner "i found this room last night and i found some interesting things here" he jestured twoard a table, on it there was an unopened letter and a broken mirror...


"well shall we open the letter or wait for our other companion"

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Fode lands in a roll after diveing out of the window of the room in which housed the lycan, upon reaching the ground Fode cannot find any other clues to his preys where-abouts, "Damn.... I will find him one day, and he will wish he never existed, oh well, back to the tavern". Fode throws open the door of the tavern, knocking Almelexia to the floor with his inhuman strength, and promptly yells at the top over his lungs, " DERTUIN, WHERE EVER YA ARE COM'ERE, I FOUND SOMETHIN!!!", Fode then finds a table near the door and has a seat.
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Dertuin apears walking through a wall "no need to yell my friend, now what have u found and where the hell is seran"


Dertuin then sat down next to fode and threw ten coins at the bar keep

"keep the drinks coming for my friend here"


he then looked at fode listening intently

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