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"Bravo my freind, bravo... that large nord i saw on my way here must have been this Fode, looked like a very capeable fellow." Melekar sits up, and sets his lute down, "and Seran, you coldnt be more right, we are no better than the monsters and abominations that haunt our darkest nightmares and the darkest of nights, and one thing is for certain, we bolth take life to survive." Melekar leans back in his chair again, dowing the last of his flin.
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"Ah, but what is life without DEATH?" said an incoming newcomer, "As an ancestor worshiper, I can say that there is no greater circle. But, we must remember: The first birth celebrates life, the second one will mock it. My name is Shadzon. I would love a drink of your finest rum. Thank you."

Shadzon speant the night telling them of all the experiance he had in counsel with the ancestors, "I remember that when we bury the dead we use a certain chemical to bind thier souls to the earth realm. It is delicate work. If you wish, I have some to sell--at 100 gilded coins for a serving to bind three spirit. Be careful with it because too much or too little will bind the corpse as well, keeping it from decomposing! That could lead to zombified corpses running the streets craving a taste for warm flesh. You see, when a body still exists on this earth with a spirit, the spirit will try to reclaim his bones. However, he will have no memory of his former life, creating a dark rebirth which will exist with a sinester surge for sustenance. So, amidst this warning, if you are interested, how much can I sell you? I have basic herbs also for about five gold each. Just ask, I probably have at least a small amount within my many satchels."

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None for me thanking you kindly anyway, what happens to me happens to me & i will let no chemical determine my fate. But I am interested, tell me more of this process,


Says Seran as he snaps his fingers at a bar tender & points to Shadzon. The bar tender brings him some rum & Seran bekons him to continue.

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"Certainly, sir. And, here is my money for the drink." Shadzon then handed him the money before continuing, "This process is ancient. It orriginates from my very ancsetors, and theirs. In fact, this particular chemical can also be a suitable drink for the living. It will only bind the soul to this world if imbued intraveneously into the heart through the skin. Once the corpse is wet with this liquid, it will decay more slowly. Then, we must burn the corpse. That dust becomes the basis for a new batch of chemicals. If we have the dust from a vampire, we can find even more secrets of the other ingrediants. However, these days, with vampires being nearly wiped out, the dust is harder and harder to find. The other ingrediants are resin, salt, fermented rice, and diamond dust, the last being itself hard to find, though not as much. In fact, since these are the rarest of the rare, they are a bargin at my price. Although, they aren't the rarer of the rarest."


Shadzon untied a red string from around a blue vial.


"This string, gentlmen, is encchanted as well. Sew it into a cloth you have to bind a spell. Although, as of right now, I don't know what that is. Maybe I shall test it on myself. Don't worry, I have many more for sale."


When Shadzon took a needle from his pocket and stiched an x into his sleeve, an aura of light grew from around him.


"Ah, this string will light the darkest caves. A bargain, at 100 gold. Any takers? Trust me, all the red strings are the same. But the blue one might be better, I have not tried it. It is 100 gold as well."

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"By now, you should know. It isn't what others do that determines an outcome, but what you percieve. So, If I percieve that this blue thread will give me armor made from the aetheral winds, and I percieve that all the blue threads are the same, then..."


He then stiched the blue thread into his other sleeve.


"...I now have the strongest, lightest armor. Peceotion is a beautiful thing, is it not? Wthout it we would have no instinct. For example, you percieved that I was a con man. However, my initial perception was the one that stuck. I am just a man trying to make a buck by selling exclusive enchantments cheeply. If I had percieved myself a con man, then that blue thread might have killed me. Or, perhaps your perception was right. I am a con man. But, by now, with the demonstration as well, you percieve that I am not. You must be a very intellegent man, or, that is what I percieve.

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Melekar suddenly snaps to attention, he looks around puzzled for a moment, then says, "my apologies, I just drifted-off there for a moment", Melekar turns and to the new face in the bar, he stares for a moment, suspicious of his presence, and suddenly very confused, then he shrugs, gets up and proceeds over to the bar to order a drink and to preform a sorrowful tune on his lute, a some what suitible backround "music" for the patrons.
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I say good sir! I had the strangest dream last night!


I don't have time to go into detail but it was truly exciting and adventurous! But for all your hearts content I will indulge you of a breif part of my adventures.


At one moment I was deep in the bowels of a monstrous cavern fighting a sorceress and a lich. The lich raised his arms high and summoned two massive pit fiends! "No problem!" I said, attempting to thwart his efforts with a few pit fiends of my own.


Unfortunately, you see, his were already summoned and it was impossible for me to summon my own with the hefty casting time required without getting myself torn to shreds. Taking my chances with luck, I tried casting two rounds of Wild Magic. They both failed.. and in the process I realized that pause doesn’t work so well in my dreams. Frantically trying to flip through my spellbook to find my spells, Wild Magic took much longer than I had anticipated, even with the non-existant casting time.


Running for cover I quickly dug through my inventory for a "remove magic" wand, since I had forgotten to memorize it earlier. I mean, heck. Who needs remove magic, right?


Grabbing the only wand in my pack I pulled it out and strangely it looked like an ornate dwarven spear (go figure). Loring it yielded the realization that this was in fact a wand of magical piercing, useless against pit fiends.


In a last ditch effort I smashed my scroll case on the ground and threw myself on top of it, searching frantically for a scroll with the familiar scrawling of a remove magic spell.


"What luck!" I shouted. I found a remove magic scroll! Even though the pit fiends were barreling towards me, I knew that they were still close enough to their master for this to work..


I held the scroll out in front of me and recited the oral incantations as well as making the appropriate hand gestures.


In a brilliant flash I successfully removed the Lich's "Protection from Evil". In a bloodthirsty stupor, enraged from being summoned from their phantasmal plane by a lesser being, the two pit fiends turned on their master and shredded the Lich to pieces. I was quite proud of myself.


The two fiends then attacked the next closest pillar of flesh: the sorceress.


Now keep in mind that not only was this was not only a very powerful sorceress, but she also wielded a very big (we're talking like at least 6-7 ft tall and at least 10-12 in in diameter) sword.


She took this sword and in one swing split one of the fiends in two, quickly dispatching the other.


She then directed her gaze towards me.


"Um.. yea.." I smirked, sending a little wave. I stood in the middle of a small mound of scrolls now covered in mud.


"This will be.. eh.. interesting to say the least." I muttered.







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