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*thumbs nose and grins from ear to ear*


Kahenraz leans forward a bit and begins to wave his hand over his frothy mug. In a short, simple but erratic display of seemingly useless hand gestures, Kahenraz's eyes turn a bright fiery red.


"Which one of your would like a taste of some cold hard Silver Dragons Brea--" Kahenraz's question cuts short as his mug unexpectedly disappeared in a poof of smoke, splashing his untouched ale all over the table and into the pores of his exposed armour.


"This is why wild mages don't specialize." he says, glaring at the mess in disgust. "Imagine having a specialized disintegration or fireball spell backfire on you. I sure wouldn't want to cast any spell that I couldn't handle coming straight back at me."


My skills are divided between three classes, making me far weaker compared to any single class of my own. Working three classes is essential for my line of work. I typically travel alone and need to be able to handle most any situation with some degree of capacity.


Being a Wild mage gives me access to spells that any true class mage of equivalent stature would typically not have access to. I have only a small handful of these self-induced magical surges, but with a bit of luck, I can fire off a spell many times my current abilities would allow in only a fraction of the casting time. The outcome is very uncertain, but it's almost guaranteed that something will come out of it.


If you recall my dream, I attempted to summon some fiends of my own through wild magic. But I wasn't as lucky as I had hoped.


Kahenraz motions one of the better-looking waitresses and nods to the bartender for another drink.


I have a feeling that I'll be paying for that..

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In an attempt to break the silence, Kahenraz suddenly slamed his fist on the smooth top of his oaken table, squishing the fly that had been taunting him with a ludicrous dance around the area for the past hour.


Realizing that he had attracted some unwanted attention, Kahenraz peeled his flattened victim off the table and into plain view, where he then tossed it into his half-full mug of ale.


As a climactic end to his winged friend, Kahenraz swallowed the rest of his ale in two magnificent gulps. Grinning, he watched the less-seasoned patrons of the tavern flee in disgust. His grin did not last long however, as his face began to turn a pale, sickly green.

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"Please excuse him, miss. He has an attention span the size of the very fly he killed. There are gentlemen everywhere you look, dark and handsome as the night sky. And there are rougues that are the same. Of course, I myself, am neither. I am but a humble servent of the ancestors. But, still, I am polite."


Shadzon paused to wipe the rum from the corner of his mouth.


"Perhaps a gem to grace your beauty, miss? Only the best will do. Here is a finely cut emerald, briliantly faceted into a pendant. Take it, as a token of my admiration."

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Kahenraz, the fine, handsom sidhe stands from his sticky situation and begins to cast a spell..


**Kahenraz has completed his casting.

******Wild Magic intervenes*******


Kahenraz's eyes widen as he realizes that his charm spell has mistakenly landed on a rather large tavern wench with puffy cheeks and a massive belly. Her shape was that of a globe, such that if one looked close enough, could even find countries.


Kahenraz makes a sudden planar shift out of existance as the bumbling mass made a dive in his general direction. Who knew that such a creature could move so fast!




After the last fingers of the evening sun slid below night's horizon, Kahenraz made his shift back to the temporal realm. To conceal his form from the abomination that had nearly overcome him earlier, he quickly shifted into a new form, that of a grim ranger.


"Show off" he says.

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The thought of a shining, luscious, juicy emerald ripe for the.. borrowing.. makes Kahenraz's hands twitch uncontrollably. He closes his eyes and sits on them as to not attract attention to himself.


Kahenraz began to debate in his mind whether it was a real emerald or not. He couldn't even fathom the idea of giving someone a real emerald for free! Of course, if true love did ever surface, we would summon no less than the finest glass-smith in the land. (This is glass glass not that sorry-excuse for diamond in Morrowind)

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