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"From who, that guy over there?"


Shadzon points to Kahenraz.


"We dont judge people here. We accept them. If we eventually dont like them, we let it roll off and leave. Of course, im sure a man in modest standpoint such as yourself could understand that. You have a look about you...something...mysterious. You dont really look like all the stereotypes, what with your use of lightly weighted clothing and full armor at the same time."


Shadzon drinks his rum.


"Well, I certainly think by now that anyone who comes here has an interesting story. What is yours, my friend? Oh, by the way, you scratched yourself on something I believe. Perhaps an herb to heal you?"

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Ken glares at Shazdon for a moment and returns to his drink... "My story, huh? Well, I came from the other side of Tamriel, you might say... only about a year or so back... Orsirnium(?sp?) our orc city, I'm sure you know of it..." Ken says from from inside his mug. "I was outlawed by the disgusting Imperial law of crimes I did not commit. The only thing I could do was run. I ran from from my city all the way to Morrowind. I had many perilous adventures along the way... much too many to tell you here in one night..." Ken takes another drink, "even fought a Giant, i did. Yup, he was five times taller than me, and you have seen an orc's size. I killed him with my axe... it was a tough struggle though..." Ken pauses for a moment, thinking, "real tough... the whole thing I mean. From wherever I was in Morrowind, i made my way here. I'm Ken Ralliman, nice to meet you, I don't talk to people much. I normally fight my way through things. I don't need to say much more do I?" Ken returns to his drink, but stops in the middle, as if he forgot to mention something... "and I don't need any herbs, thank you..."


"by the way that remark back there, I didn't really expect anyone to hear that, you've got a keen ear."

Ken smiles at Shazdon, and returns to his drink in the manner he was when he came.

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  • 2 weeks later...
"I've seen argonian childeren fight over something less meaningful than that and blood was shed .....if i was either of you I'd shut the other up by removing his tongue and maybe.... his lips (is that what you call them) than just make the pittiful comments you two did and by the looks of it, either of you would win in a battle with a giant ...." He gulps down the rest of his mead and chuckles to himself imagining what the battle would look like. "I've met people, killed people, and have killed the toughest of beast so if any of you two get offended I'd like you pray to what you worship because It might end sooner for you than you've hoped.
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"Sir, I am sure your comments would be best directed elseware. I appreciate privacy in my conversations with men on equal planes with myself. Be you one of them, I would perfer you speak like a gentleman."


Shadzon took a loaf of bread from his robe. He ate it with his rum, sparing none of the baked good.


"Excuse my rudeness, sir. I am a little uneasy when I meet a man on an empty stomach. Where did you say you were from?"

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"For one I'm not a man I am an argonian and I'm sure not going to act like your kind because of your kind my people are slaves. Oh ya you're talking to an orc that is twice your size not a breton so if you were smart you'd watch what you say around here."After he is secure with what he has said he orders some hound meat with a side of racer plumes(his favorite).
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"First off, I would like to say: you'd better watch what YOU say Argonian, if you know whats good for you. And secondly, I am on equal plane with no one, thank you. I do not want to start any kind of fight here, because I do not want to do something I might regret." With this ken takes another drink of his ale. "So, you should show more respect Argonian. And I would also like to revive a remark I made earlier: I would expect better. From anyone for that matter." Ken looks at both the strangely darker Argonian AND Shazdon. "You'd better know that. Oh, by the way, Do any of you have names?" Ken smiles, but knows it's only amusing to him. He takes another drink, waiting for a reply to what he just said.
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"Was it not an argonian himself who said that a 'man' was but an individual? If you want respect, earn it. Perhaps through gentlemen like behavior you become a gentleman. I am shadzon, binder of souls to the mortal plane, and gentleman of the family of Marselles. I can give you most things you want, for a small price."


Shadzon downed a portion of his rum. "Ah, rum, with a sweetness and bite equal to the zypher crossing the southern winds. As for you, child of the mountains, I would perfer to think of all races as my equal. We are not just millitant haters of others who are not our race, some of us are not even from our homeland at all."

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"The argonian between our conversation was the one to hate others who does not have the same blood as him. I look down only to weaker ones, even my own orc kin. I can't tell with you or the argonian, for the fact at the moment. The argonian hates your kind, merely because two-thirds of their population imprisons his kind as slaves. The other third is judged the same way, because of majority influence. What I am getting at, is I am not hateful towards another race merely because they are not my kind, I hate others by their own judgement of things."


Ken takes a drink of his ale. He drinks the last bit slowly, to finish it off. "Argonian, just because I am twice a breton's size, does not mean he could not defeat me with magic, now does it?"

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  • 2 weeks later...

"And just because a bosmer is half of that, does not mean that this Orcan man would survive against a well-placed arrow. Remember, a man should be judged by his skill, and his luck. Well, I assume I have been lucky so far, surviving by hair's end. I never once regretted an action, because they allways ended in my survival...But I suppose there will be an eventuality. Perhaps, there is a time that even I may be strucken down by a mosquito, which carries the vile pox of burning feavers, and happens to be the smallest of all."


Shadzon lost his thoughts as he said this. He only sat looking into his rum while he pondered his own mortality.


After a while, he said, "If there is one thing certain in life, its that our bones may be interred as we fall from this plane. Now I see...Now I see the guilt I have been harboring as I practiced my trade. There is no eternal rest, no Shangri-la; not if I do what I do to people's spirits."

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Has-Big-Axe (OOC: Read about him in the other thread where i introduce him!)-back IC:- half stumbles and half struts up to Warrior-Of-Shadow.

"Friend, Argonian, drop this quarrel. This is no way to settle things..." he says, pulling out his axe, "this is the way to settle matters but..." putting his axe away, "this orc and this breton have not made any trespass against you."


Now pulling off his cuirass and pointing to his scarred back, "Too many times I have felt the lash of an Imperial whip, but I have killed long ago those who sought to enslave me. They sent their guards and their soldiers to kill me or bring me back and i killed them also. Occasionally i have killed someone in a barfight - something our orcish must know well - and occasionally i have killed somebody who made fun of me but NEVER have i killed anybody that has done me no harm"


Putting his cuirass back on and thinking over his own words, "Well, not that many times at least...but you get my point, although we are the stronger race here, it is better for us not to butcher these defenceless mammals"


Turning to Shadzon, "You and your kind are wicked i tell you! I speak not of the Bosmer but you necromancers and mystics. I have killed too many men, and argonians, and occasionally women, and spirits, to speak of but i let their souls pass into the next life. But you would kill and then trap his soul in crystal, is that not evil? You know this already and yet you still continue with your wicked work. What foul idol created your foul magic? Could i meet the mortal man, I would kill him in an instant"


His rant over, he settles down at a table and orders a sujamma.

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