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Hogosha think carfuly about his next words


"Your friend must have been a great man to hold a place so dear to you, I try noy to keep friends like that for in my line of work i may die any day and would not wish your pain on even my worst enimies; but said friends are unavoidable for we as people need them"


Hogosha takes out a silver arrow and examines it and lays it on the table


"This is a weapon of destruction and death, but look at it closer. The craftman ship that i put into it, the skill and work it took to creat. The fletings at the perfect angle, the shaft smooth and straight, the head of it sharp as a dragons claw. This is a work of art, art i wish i did not have to create."


Hogosha takes the arrow and returns it to where it had come from


"This is the arrow that I use to make it so what has happened to you would never have to happen again, this is how we are entwined in fate my friend."

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"A drink is a drink, in my eyes. I think our red winged friend is the only one around here with a sane mind.... haha. Well, at this later hour, many new patrons have arrived, it seems only fit to intruduce myself. I am Ken Ralliman, to anyone that bothers to care..."


Ken's spirits seem to have lightened from his earlier mood.


"If there is a request for somehing, Ken is your Orc, depending on what it may be. I can take many a few three or four assassins on at once, but I have no intention to brag..." Ken laughs to himself at this.

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Be careful with your words friend, too many times have i seen friends: men, orcs, argonians and khajiits; fall to an assassin's arrow.


I feel your pain Thrin, as i myself have felt it many times before - for a brave warrior to die gloriously in battle is one thing - but to be killed by a snivelling thief is another. An orcish friend of mine was once killed by an assassin's ebony arrow, i hunted for the assassin or eight months before i found him wasting away his days in a brothel. I cleaved apart, drank his blood and ate his heart. I hold none of the sentiments that you seem to Hogosha, i enjoy very much killing my enemies or those who have caused me grief.


Come my friend Thrin, tell stories of your friend's glorious victories in battle. Regale us with tales of his bravery and fortitude, honour his memory, and curse that of his assassin.

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OOC: "Well, this one time, at band camp, he..." :D



Thrin didn't take a liking to the new mans words, but he understood the reasoning.


"What is your name sir? So that I may not simply call you 'good sir' for the remainder of the night?.." Thrin took his drink from the barkeep and paid the man as he waited. What Hogosha said was true, but it was lost on his ears.. That is what he had fought for, so long in those wars did he battle endlessly.. Trying to prevent the suffering that seemed to travel on his heels...


His comrade(sp?) had been lost to that sorrow..


He waits to tell the tale until the mans name was revealed, seeing it better then continuing rudely..

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"And a prevention must be made to these assassins, and their so called: 'rightful duties'. Or is maybe not the assassins we should blame, but more... the person behind it... the one who hired the assassin. Because, you should know as well as I, an assassin does not kill without pay, unless its personal. Did your comrade know anyone of such occupation? I am sorry to not feel your pain, but I have never met anyone to mourn for their death, merely a travelling pertener, or a mercenary, none much of importance to me. I have fought battles, and lost comrades in the fight, but, like I said, none worthy of mourning for."


The words dont seem right to Ken... had he met a personage that much in his comraderitial(is that even a word?) favor? This makes Ken think about his battles and his encounters with such people as assassins.

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"Hmmm.... I think my views have changed towards you my brother talkling to an Imperial law-loving fool. Calling him somthing as high as friend around my prescence is a risky thing to do." Shadow glares at this human tainted argonian in utter disgust."I believe that i have killed quite a few imperials in my time....maybe even your pittiful friend who you weep like a child over.....check my blade and sniff out his blood it might just still be stained on there." Still dispising almost everyone in this tavern he checks his money to make sure he can order a few more drinks to watch the outcome of this group.
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Check your temper fool! Do not make an enemy of me, Warrior-Of-Shadow!


His kind have enslaved our people but unless he himself owns an argonian slave, i see no reason to shed his blood. I have depended on his kind many times before and were it not for their inherent honesty and loyalty, i would already be dead many times over. Do not presume to be prejudiced against the Cyrodil, not all of them are cruel slavers who would sooner let an argonian die than a sick guar.

I know that you have suffered much at their hands but please, calm yourself. I was also once a slave to their people.


*Turning to Thrin*


I do not know that my natural parents even gave me a name, or at least i never knew it. I lived the first years of my life in an Imperial orphanage, addressed as 'No. 14226' or 'Argonian'. When i was sent off to become a slave, i stole the battleaxe of one of the ship's captain and killed every non-slave on the ship. The other argonians being sent off as slaves saw my deeds and named me Has-Big-Axe. Now, after all these years, i have been long rid of that captain's iron axe and now i carry a glowing daedric, however, i have retained this name for it reminds me of how i freed myself - and others - from slavery. Call it vanity if you will, but i consider it a small badge of honour.


Anyway, enough about me, share with us the glorious deeds of your companion and yourself.

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He takes in all Has-Big-Axe has said, and all the other arguing.. And regards it calmly.


"Just as you, Has-Big-Axe, regard me as a freind now, I consider you the same. What the imperials do is of no consequence to me. Though I have no compassion for them as a whole, I have met individuals who I call freinds. A race or people cannot be judged altogether as if they were one entity.. There are those who stand out within any society and have no regard for the ways of thier own people."


He turns to the other Argonian, "But you, the gods have mercy on your soul.. For one so ignorant and remorseless despite the simple truth of individuality is forsaken. If you are not willing to see the good in others then they will never see the good in you. Make the name of your people worthy of you as their representation, for if I was as ignorant in my thinking as you I would reagard all of your people the same as you regard mine!"


Satisfied now that he has delt with the main problems, he continues about his freind, "Yes, people had cause to kill him, and I, though why it was he they decided to slay yet evades me. He was a war hero, and the assasin was of our foes from the past. If anything, he was worthy of rememberence. And, as I said, there were those who whished to kill us, they hate us with a vengeance like no other." He took a swig from his drink, "they are to bitter to let the things of old slip away.. They are lost in their own self perfection that they fail to see the error of it all."

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The assassin and his masters sound like dangerous foes indeed. These people are not weak-minded or sick-hearted like the fools that we endure every day but are cunning and deceitful, strong and skilled, intelligent and willful. Yet they slay a war hero, beloved by all who meet him - there are few people that behave in such a manner.


However, one organisation stands out in my mind. An organisation that i once encountered and hoped never to again. I killed their leaders yet i knew that they were not destroyed. Often, i wake from my rest at the edge of an assassin's blade and my axe has tasted the blood of many of their hirelings. Tell me, what was the name of your noble companion? Perhaps i knew him better than i previously believed...

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