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"..His name..." Thrin hesitated, it was this that he had been avoiding, the mentioning of his companion's name.. The taste was so bitter when once it had been so sweet, "His name is Benrii... He and I served in wars far to the south, on another continent, where the land was broken into many factions... All were attemting to seize controll of the entire continent, and eventually the world, but they were vain and ignorant..."


He looks to the group, "We served in the army of those who still had sense, who wanted the peace that our ancestors had.. Though the world has changed, men still follow a code of honor which was governing in the days long past. Now, the world can no longer handle the responsibility of being honorable."


"Now.." he looked away from the group, not wanting to meet the eyes of those who were about to hear, he took another drink, "Now, our land is barren and wasted, and though the army of those still honorable succeded, the purging was brutal and merciless.. Benrii and I only found out too late that our leaders were capable of being as evil as our adversaries.. That was when we left, fearing for our safty and that of our families. Though both decorated heros, we are dispised by our own people as traitors."


"Soon after I left my homeland, the Imperials invaded, and the land is now under their government. I know not the fates of the friends I left behind."


"I do not know how you would know of the group of assasins.. But then I do not know what would be considered common knowledge for your people. If you're of a mind, you may name the orginazation you are thinking of, and I may tell you of the one that it is.." He took another drink, fearing the response of the people, and perhaps if one might be looking to bury their blade in him. His hand instinctivly moved near his waist, where his weapons are, and grasped the hilt of an axe, though he dared not draw it.

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Ken sits.... silent.... I... have had no comrades.... I... He shakes it off.


"Argonian, the one who was here first: you are very seclusive, if you ask me, you care only about your own kind.... and hardly that, at times(from what I see), then you trust one who merely looks at another race of imprisoning, law-loving, rats of the Empire...."


"I dispise the enforcement of these days," Ken seems to be talking to himself now, "the Emporer must be way over his head, and to think... allowing such things as assassinations of someone uncriminalized. Disgusting. I ended up here because of uproven accusations of that law... muder...ha! I hadn't killed more than a scurrying rat back then... now, of course, I am much different. Accusing me of murder is an understatement."


Ken stops.... Did I say that out loud?

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Thrin listens intently as Ken tells his tale. He smiles grimly at the part about being called a murder and later on living up to it.


"I have slain hundreds, if not thousands of men. If not by my blade, then by my word. I commanded a company of no more then 200 men. And we alone slaughtered armies. Not by weight of numbers, but by tactics. We would perform lighting raids when our enemies pants were down. Sometimes, we would force their pants down, litterally.. I remember poisoning a water supply one night. And the next, when half the army was sick with the s***z we struck them down. We didn't even lose a single man on that mission, but the enemy lost close to a thousand."


"Say what you wish about me though.. We had no honor. We were the walking dead, our souls sold to the Keeper of death. We each took oaths of death, to be dead until our debt of souls was fulfilled. I pledged 500 hundred of my enemies to damnation, and repaid the debt with ease. There was no honor for dead men, and we fought with none.. Perhaps I will tell you more of it later."

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Benrii you say...


Most often, our fears come and go and appear at unfortunate times but follow us. However, i have had a fear for too many years now that has come, and has followed me, but never goes. Yes, that name is familiar to me, we were once both part of the same mercenary army that defeated and looted the warlords of the East. We were both lieutenants of an infamously cruel and heartless general. At his orders, we pillaged and rampaged and burned and raped and hundreds if not thousands fell to our blades.


But we went too far...


We led men to raid a village but knew not that a mighty wizard had built his tower there. After the raid, we had killed no less than a hundred innocent men, women and children. Among those innocent dead was the daughter of this powerful warlock. As we counted the dead of the village and looted their houses, the warlock descended from his tower, bereaved by the loss of his daughter. With his mighty enchanted staff, he killed all of our men and he smote me with fire. As i lay on the ground, barely alive, he placed a wicked curse on Benrii and myself. A curse that daedra and monsters, cut-throats and assassins, men and beasts would follow us wherever we went. That we would never have peace, before death and after. He marked Benrii as the first to die and marked me as the second...


Perhaps for too long i have lived, and too many men i have slain...

Perhaps my time has come at last...


Or perhaps not.


*Takes a BIG drink from his sujamma and grips his axe tight*



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"Though Ben never spoke of anything you say, I do not doubt that.. He did things taht were so out of character.. A man with such reagard for life was always willing to throw his away for almost any cause... I never understood. Maybe this news will help me understand the meaning of some of his actions.. It may bring me peace of mind.. I thank you."


Taking another drink, he asked Warrior-of-Shadow, "Have you calmed yet? Or are you still making a mockery of yourself?.. If it is the former, you are welcome to join us in song and drink, for we have no reason to hold anything against you."

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Ken laughs at Has-Big-Axe's tale and that he may be the next. "It must be shame to have to watch your back almost every waking and sleeping moment of your travels." Ken laughs again "I am sure though, if an assassin is in this tavern with an intention to kill you, if not anyone else, at least I will help if the help is needed...." Ken laughs and takes a drink. "It must be no coincidence that you have met this assassin argonion who angers at the world if they are not to his liking. Hahaha. I mean no offense argonian, you are surely a good man and respectable, you do not want to kill our other argonian friend, now do you?"


Ken reaches down to the hilt of his yellow-bright blade(just in case), but still smiles at his own joking.

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*Releasing his grip on his axe and turning his bloodshot eyes to Ken, laughing uneasily*


I have no intention of killing anyone in this tavern. I consider all of you my friends (under his breath: at this moment). It is also good to know that you would be willing to help me if there was really an assassin in our midst.


*Forcing out some more laughter before continuing to speak rather loudly*


I hope for their sake that there is not for i have counted that twenty-six of them have already fallen at my axe-blade. I have kept their heads as a small reminder to keep on myself on guard...

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"Why the whole head?.. Why not just an ear or a tounge or something?.. Heads are too difficult to carry around for my liking, and they are the most God-awful things to preserve..." He takes another long drink, "and still there are many things I would not know about you, and many darknesses within us all that must stay hidden.. Come now, why do we continue to speak of such solemn things?.. Were Benrii here at the moment, he would want us to be joyous, even in the light of his passing!!"


He looks at the other patrons with a sarcastic glare, "well, have you no merry song among the lot of you?"

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IC: "True, brenton maidens have some of the fairest singing voices.." He trails off as he is lost in memory. Something seems different in the way he ponders this new thought. Perhaps it is a subject best left alone.


When another speaks he wakes from his idle thought and takes a drink, asking "What?" afterwards.. Not being the one spoken to he returns to his brooding.

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