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"My name doesn't matter, but if you must know, it is Élsúch, please do not ask it again.

How did I find the wood elves, you may wonder.

I have a natural sence of tracking people in forests, although I am getting a bit slower at thinking these days.

Also, I have a very dear friend of mine, and as the elf that he is, he knows alot about forests too, he tries to teach me something now and then, but my mind of a human is very slow compared to the elves.

This camp was not made to stay long, that is my guess.

These elves seemed young to me, but since elves can grow very old, I can not know for sure.

I'm not even sure they made it by themselves, since I found signs that told me someone had stayed at this camp months, maybe years ago.

The trees around it were chopped down in some places, but this was no woodcutter who did it, it was them filthy orcs with their dull axes.

Also, if you find an old camp with wood elves lying around with holes in their heads, now that means they didn't have the time to stay for long, I think they didn't even plan to spend the night, since their gear wasn't even unpacked, they had not even lit a fire, though that may have been because of the evil that runs in the forest at night.

Now this is what I saw, and I will never go there again if I don't have to."

After finished speaking, the man ordered a mug of ale, and watched everyone from underneath his hooded cape.

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Eiade's keen wood elf ears picked up talk of singing in the next table over. as an acrobat herself, she was quite an experienced entertainer, and she knew many tavern songs, as well as some bosmer folk songs.


from what she had been told by people, she had a pretty voice, with a subtle vibrato and a good sense of pitch... maybe one of the men at the table had a lute...


she turned towards the table where the talk was coming from.


"i can sing," she said. "i know a few drinking songs, and maybe that wood elf and i could harmonize on some folk songs! every bosmer knows a few native folk songs!"


she hoped that the table would accept her and allow her to show her talent.

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OOC: Good idea, ignore the silly sniper and their silly victims.




Has-Big-Axe stretched himself, an interesting action with an axe slung to his back and wearing his daedric plates, but one he was used to. He turned around to see an insanely smiling Bosmer, boasting of her singing and dancing skills.

"Well then Bosmer, if you're such an entertainer, sing us a song and dance us a merry jig. I haven't seen a Bosmer dance since...well...um...you don't want to know about that. Please, go on."

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Dancing and singing.. humpf, you can't make a living out of that, and it will never help you to dance when you'r hunting orcs.. no, dancing is for those who haven't got the need to hunt their own food, thought Élsúch and bought himself another mug of ale.
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Has-Big-Axe turns around on his stool and indicates to the Bosmer that she should begin. His daedric battleaxe, glowing a dull orange slung across his back facing Elsuch. As he turns, his daedric greaves accidentally touch against the shining blade of Eiade's weapon hung at her side without a sheath and the unpleasant ring of steel on daedra scales resonates through the tavern. There's visibly a moment when all the patrons grimace at the sound and then tavern life continues as usual.


(OOC: No, i'm not the magical mind-reading Argonian, but my very first ever character was an acrobat so THERE!)

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ooc: actually it would most likely be wood against daedric. she uses a spear and also martial arts.




eiade stood up from her chair, and took an unused pewter plate from off their table, and placed it on the floor. she decided to start out with a few of her acrobatics. she stood with both feet on the plate.


from her stance, she executed a backflip and landed with fer two feet on the plate again. she saw a rafter above her, maybe 3 feet above her head. she made sure to jump high this time, and started a front flip.


when she was in mid-flip and upside-down, she made sure that the backs of her thighs just above her knees hit the rafter, so she could hang upside down by her legs. this suprised a few onlookers.


once upside-down, her back was facing the table of men, and she was facing the bar. she began to swing herself, and once she got enough momentum, she launched herself towards the bar. her hands grabbed the edge of the counter and the rest of her body was airborne, her backside to the ground. she then pushed her lithe body away from the bar, and she landed with two feet right on the plate once again.


several people in the back cheered and/or applauded.


she was about to pull out her three steel throwing daggers that were concealed in her clothing and do another trick, but she sensed that these men wanted singing.


"does anyone have a lute?" she called out to the crowd.

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