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OOC: I don't want this thread to fade into nothingness so an NPC will have to suffice.




Has-Big-Axe applauded the performance and cheered. He had not seen an acrobat of such skill and grace for a long time. The acrobat called for a lute player and at first there was silence. Then there was some whispering and nudging from a part of the crowd that had gathered to watch. Then there was loud encouragement and a balding breton was pushed into onto a stool next to the acrobat and a lute given to him. He reluctantly took up the lute and played a chord checking it was in tune. He then turned and spoke to the acrobat.

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It made Eiade happy that the audience had been pleased.


She thanked the breton for letting her borrow the instrument. she plucked the guar-gut strings and listened, finding that the lute was well-tuned. good.


The wood elf sat on the counter of the bar, and crossed her legs with the lute resting on them. She started playing the intro to an wood-elvish folk song, a slow, expressive song with flowing chords and sub-melodies. the lute part was not a technically difficult one, but it did require feeling and expression. eiade didn't specialize in lute-playing, so she only knew easier songs like this one. most onlookers couldn't really tell the difference, though. most thought it was pretty.


her voice entered when the intro phrase repeated itself, giving new meaning to the feeling of the song. Eiade's voice was clear, and had a subtle vibrato. she hoped that the audience didn't mind that the song was in the native bosmer tongue. i guess i could've translated it, she thought. but that would take away the flow of the words.


after the 1st phrase ended, the song got a little more intense, going into a chorus that contained minor chords and dissonating countermelodies.


the song was about a father who had lost his son. the two were walking in the forest when they were both attacked by a pair of ravenous diseased animals. the father, with his bow, had downed one but the other knocked him down, unconcious. just when the father was about to be killed by the beast, his son distracted and taunted the animal, causing it to go after him, which saved his father. the father woke up shortly, finding his son missing. he never saw him again.


the song ended with a major chord with a 2nd inserted. the chord repeated getting softer and softer with every strum, until it faded into nothingness. the crowd was silent. the song was over. she waited for a response.


ooc: sorry guys that was kind of a long post!

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"Now this is entertainment", though Élsúch, then he applauded, he applauded alot, therefore forcing the rest of the crowd to do the same.

"May I invite you to a drink?", he asked the talented wood-elf while waving to the barkeeper for another drink.

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ooc: hey fishystick, what's the race and gender of your character? i'll assume a male for now.




Eiade shrugged.

"Okay," she said. Hey, it was a free drink. "Nothing alcoholic."


She handed the lute back to the Breton, thanked him, and sat down with the man who thoughtfully invited her for a drink. it was good to see chivalry every once in a while. many men in taverns were pigs, it seemed.


eiade had recieved her share of disrespect from the male sex, but most of those men got what was coming for them. eiade was moderately skilled at hand-to-hand, and her muscular, athletic thighs could give out quite a kick. a hard kick to the comberries is all those men needed, and sometimes a punch in the face, leaving them bloodied and unconcious in a corner.


this man had offered her a drink, and she was appreciative, and accepted it. she sat down with him, and pulled their table so it connected with the table of men that she had been talking to earlier.


"So," she said to Elsuch. "What do you do?"

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OOC:he's a wood-elf,(to be honest, I think he was biten by a vampire or something, I'm not sure..don't tell anyone, it's a secret) since there is nothing else that is good with a bow, and yes, it's a he.Really.


IC:"Nothing alcoholic, you say?

As you wish", he said and waved to the bartender once again.

"Although I'm not very familiar to these non-alcoholic drinks, since I most often order alcohol myself.. I don't know why, I only do it.

Now what would you want then?", he asked and watched the wood-elf from underneath his cape.

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Eiade's head gravitated towards the window, and seeing the moon's position in the sky, her eyes widened.


"Oh no! I have an appointment that i'm going to be late for! I'm so sorry, master elf! i really hope we may talk again! sincerely! i love meeting other bosmer! especially male woodelves! *winks at elruch* please excuse me i'll be gone for a little while!



ooc: actually guys i'm going to the bahamas tomorrow for 5 days. when i get home i'll have 2 days, then i leave for california to see relatives (i'm in kentucky). i just thought that i'd be considerate enough to not leave you guys talking to to someone who wont respond for weeks! i'll be back!


ic: Eiade got up and ran quickly out of the tavern, hoping that there was still time. she really hoped that the people she had met wouldn't think her rude!

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OOC:Hey, I know my posts kind of messes things up a bit, I am really a wood elf, don't care about my other posts stating something else, I'm stoopid.


IC:"Well, an appointment is an appointment" said Élsúch to himself as he watched Eiade run through the door and hurry outside.

When he could see her no more, he threw some coins to the bartender and sat down at the table, where he fell asleep.

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Has-Big-Axe watched the events at the bar out of the corner of his eyes (OOC: Argonians have perfectly clear peripheral vision because their eyes are on the sides of their head). He watched the Bosmer acrobat run out of the door and the the other Bosmer lay his head on the table and fall asleep.


(OOC: Now, in the interests of good RP and character development...*drum roll*)


Has-Big-Axe got up from his table and walked to the table where the Bosmer was snoring lightly. He sat down opposite the Bosmer and slammed his sujamma down onto the wood right next to the Bosmer's head. The Bosmer stirred but did not wake. Has-Big-Axe, smiled to himself at the Bosmer and then shook him by the shoulders until he woke.


He woke with a start but his shout was muffled by the Argonian's hand. Has-Big-Axe released his hand and leaned in close to the Bosmer and spoke.

"I recognise you, Bosmer. Do you remember me? I haven't seen you for..what?...at least twenty years. I'd almost forgotten about you, Bosmer. Have you forgotten who I am?"


(OOC: Sorry i controlled ur character a bit there. It wasn't much and i won't do it again, i just wanted to wake you up)


edit: read the rules about deciding other PCs reactions.


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Megan flutter into to the bar flys to bar stool and perches on it her tiny legs crossing as she looks around wonder who was one serving drinks in this bar sniffs smelly stinky barbarian and curses him with a boil on his bottom giggles and waits for the bartender.
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OOC: hey, controll my character anyway you need to, just don't kill him or stuff like that, and I won't complain.


IC:"Remember you?

...I do find something familiar, though I'm sorry to say I can't remember who you are... maybe...(OOC:Should I remember you? Mebbe it would be bad roleplaying style to destroy your attempts to make a story?)

may I ask you to freshen up my memory? said Élsúch, then he ordered another drink to kind of wake up a bit.

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