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OOC: Plz do remember me, i will 'freshen up ur memory' to help you along




Has-Big-Axe stared at the Bosmer in silence for a moment. Then the Argonian began to slowly remove - with difficulty - the heavy plates of his cuirass until he could place the whole thing on the ground. He then removed his shirt and turned around to reveal the Scar on his back.

It was more than just a normal scar though, which the Argonian had many of. This one was quite obviously orginally a gaping hole that had healed with the aid of powerful magic as well as ancient dwarven machines. Small spheres of yellow metal were visible in the Scar, barely covered by thin layers of scales.

"You were with me when we fought him. Do you not remember still? We killed him together! Can your drunken Bosmer mind not find the strength to remember?"


OOC: Yes, i am being ridiculously vague but you ca develop it.

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Élsúch stared at the scar for a moment, rubbed his eyes and looked again.

"You.. I could never even dream of meeting you again, twenty years has it been since that day we fought together(OOC:Who did we fight? Sorry for not making the story up by myself, but I've been playing for about a week), twenty long years.

And now, here you are."

He stood up and walked around the table to the argonian to take a good look at him.

"It's really you.." he said, almost whispering and then gave the argonian a brotherly hug(OOC:that's how it's spelled, right?), he then invited the long lost friend to sit down for a drink and a few stories.

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OOC: Don't worry about your spelling, as long as its intelligible.




Has-Big-Axe returned the hug and sat down with his sujamma.

"We really underestimated that necromancer didn't we?" he said smiling and shaking his head, "Crawling through his sewers and dungeons was bad enough, but reaching the inside of his castle..." He trailed off and his smile disappeared, "Friend, do you remember the horrors that he created? The horrors that we faced and defeated?" the Argonian's face took on an even graver look and he said frowning to Elsuch, "The staff. The enchanted staff. The enchanted staff that caused the Scar. Did you take it? Do you still have it? Or was it...um...what's her name....er...the Bosmer maid, the one that helped you carry me to the dwarven healer that took it?"


OOC: Sorry if that is a bit hard to read through.....

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"I took the staff and I still have it. In fact, I have it with me", said Élsúch. He pulled out the thin staff from under the rags he called clothes and lay it down on the table. "This is the one, I don't know why I carried it around all these years, it has no real value, so most people would probably leave it in that damned castle, but I just couldn't do it" he said.

He thought for a few seconds and then said "you may keep it if.. if you want to, although I would understand if you never wanted to see it again".

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Has-Big-Axe looked at the staff in horror and rose to his feet.

"So you do still have it!" he said shocked.

He leant closer to the staff and looked at the finely carved runes on its aged wooden surface. The staff still had a faint glow that emanated from it just as Has-Big-Axe remembered and he stared at the staff, transfixed to the spot by his curiosity and fear. Finally, his curiosity overcoming his fear, the Argonian picked up the staff and held it in both his hands. He passed his hands over the rune-covered texture of the staff. He took a step back and closed his eyes and let himself sense the huge enchantment that the staff bore.


Suddenly, Has-Big-Axe made a violent swing with the staff through vacant air but beneath the table a rat erupted in flames and its charred corpse fell against Elsuch's feet. Elsuch looked shocked but Has-Big-Axe calmed him and unslung his axe. He cut the dead rat into pieces with his axe before slinging it back onto his back. He then took up the staff again and gently tapped one of the halves of the rat's head. Has-Big-Axe and Elsuch looked on in horror as the charred pieces of rat magically joined back together. The blackened rat stood up on its legs and shook itself and a layer of soot fell from it revealing its dirty grey fur and then it scurried off into the darkness of the tavern.


Has-Big-Axe, trembling with fear, put the staff back down on the table. "I didn't think that i could do it" he said in a quavering voice, "I am not a mighty necromancer but...but..." Has-Big-Axe trailed off and collapsed into a chair.

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It took a few seconds before he understood what had just happened, but when he realized that this staff could not only take life away, it could also give it back, Élsúch reached for his sword, as he thought that destroying it would make the world a safer place. He pulled the sword and took a swing against the staff.

His sword shattered in a thousand pieces and they rained all over the tavern, but the staff stayed as it was, without a single scratch.


"That thing is cursed, it cannot be harmed with our kind of weapons" he said while inspecting the shards that had once been a sword, made by the hand of a fine elf smith.

He reached to grab the staff, but quickly pulled his hand back. "No, I will not touch it, though I am afraid of what horrors it might cause in my hands, I would never be able to even imagine what this thing may cause if another necromancer of the same skill as the one before" he whispered.


The elf stood up and watched the small glowing wooden staff on the table. "If you do not wish to keep it, we should try to destroy it, or atleast hide it from public" he told the argonian and walked around the table to see that he was allright.

"What did it feel like? I can't even try to imagine the powers of such a staff, and even less try to understand them" he said to his friend and pulled out a small bottle filled with a brown thick liquid.


"Have a drink, it makes you feel better" he said and gave the bottle to Has-Big-Axe(OOC:That's the real name of your character, right?)"Though it tastes disgusting".

Élsúch sat down again and watched his friend while drinking another mug of ale.

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watch two talking in one corner *giiggles * when rat comes back to life and throws fairy light at in darkness *giggles again* as it sizzles up zombie rats are such nusciance keep trying to gawn my feet. fly to top of the bar and sits on it wondering where that bartender at hoping this place has some nectar
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OOC: what the hell are you talking about amber? "watch two talking in one corner"? I mean, what is that? I would be really happy if you would atleast spell it so that one could understand.
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OOC: Amber, i understand you but some eloquence would be appreciated...Also, Fishystick, Has-Big-Axe is the real name, i explain how i got it somewhere, i think it might be in the introductions thread...




Has-Big-Axe took the the drink and sipped from it before attempting to explain to Elsuch the feeling of touching an evil artifact. "It felt..." he trailed off as he looked at the palms of his gauntlets.


An imprint of the runed staff had been silently and magically burnt into his gauntlets. Certain runes glowed a dark red colour, the same colour as the staff. Has-Big-Axe sat looking at his gauntlets in horror. He got his drink and spilled it all over his gauntlets in an attempt to wash off the daedric runes from the daedra scale gauntlets but the imprint did not fade at all but grew deeper. He held his hands up infront of his face and watched as the glowing grew faintly but visibly brighter. He ripped his gauntlets off and threw them onto the table next to the staff. He watched as soon, the runes covered the whole of both the gauntlets and glowed brighter than on the staff. Then, to the horror of them both, the hard black scales of the gauntlet softened and started peeling and releasing a fine red mist.

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