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"What is this curse?" said Élsúch, almost whispering "that staff will never do anything but evil" he continued. While keeping his eyes fixed on the staff on the table, he stood up and walked around the table, he noticed that it had barely noticable burnings that looked exactly like the runes burnt in on the staff, this sure was a cursed staff.


"We should really seek to destroy this evil, in the wrong hands, it might prove to destroy this world", he pulled his own chair closer and sat down, then he continued whispering, "I once knew an elf, a powerful elf, he had the uncommon ability to see the future, atleast a part of it. One day before I left the city where I was born to travel and see more of our world, he told me the story about a cursed staff that had the power to bring the dead back alive, aswell as take the lives back, but he never told me that it was known to others, I suspected that it was burried deep under ground somewhere."


He watched the glowing staff and the gloves, or atleast what had once been perfectly protecting gloves and then said: "Tell me, did it burn your hands? The old man told me that one day, a traveler would in fact find the staff that had caused him much pain and suffering, and he would be forever bound to the staff until he destroyed it, it would even burn his skin so it would not feel like it didn't belong there, it would make him it's slave if he didn't had the power to fight it" said Élsúch without even catching his breath, and he kept his deep blue eyes fixed on his argonian friend with both fear and wonder.


"Please friend, tell me if you can see any markings on your hands, because that would probably mean that.. no it was only a fairy-tale, but then again.."

The bosmer said nothing more, he stared at Has-big-Axe without even closing his eyes as he tried to sort his thoughts out.

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Has-Big-Axe listened intently to the tale and silently nodded. He looked down slowly to his hands. He kept his eyes closed until his hands were directly infront of his face and opened his eyes. He cried out loudly and fell to the ground in terror. Red runes, still faint but growing brighter were clearly visible on his hands. He held his hands closer to the staff and the runes on both hand and staff glowed fiercely. He picked up the staff, giving him a momentary feeling of immense power, and hurled it through an open window. He sat down in his chair and glanced at Elsuch,

"Problem solved"


Seconds later however, Has-Big-Axe clutched his head and collapsed to the floor groaning. After a few more seconds of writhing on the floor, he suddenly jumped out through the window and moments later came back in through the door with staff in hand. He looked defeated and placed the staff back down on the table. He sat down, leant back in his chair and drank heavily. "It looks like that we shall have to destroy this staff...or myself...or both..."

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"If that is what you intend to do, I shall follow you until the end and I will lend you all the help I can. That is, if you want my help and company on this journey", Élsúch told his friend and inspected the shards of steel that came from the sword that had protected him many years, but now lay broken to pieces in the tavern.


"Though if this is what we are going to do, we might have to see someone wiser then the two of us, since I have no clue about the destruction of artifacts this powerful.." he watched his friend with shame in his eyes and continued speaking with low voice. "I did once know the way to one of the most powerful elves of our time, though I cannot remember anything of it nowadays(OOC:This tavern, is it placed in Vvardenfell or where is it?)."


He picked his mug filled with ale up and threw it out the broken window. "I really have to get off these drinks, they taste awful, you know" he said, looking at his friend with a barely noticable smile on his lips. "Although.. If we are going to travel together, I may have to make a stop back home, this quest might prove to be the doom of us both, my experience of necromancers and evil forces tells me that it isn't very safe, and since I'm.." he looked his friend in the eyes and thought of home, "I'm a father nowadays and I haven't seen my son even once during the last two months, I would really like to visit home once more, since this journey probably will be very dangerous. I hope it isn't a problem, is it?" All this he said with a very worried look in his eyes.(OOC:This doesn't destroy the feeling of being a mighty warrior fighting evil, does it?

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OOC: Peregrine, *quitely whispering 'be-in-a-good-mood-be-in-a-good-mood-be-in-a-good-mood' over and over again* We are going to leave the tavern now. If somebody else appears, they can RP in the tavern but we are going to be outside of it. I hope that's ok




"I understand you wish to see your son. I have never had children myself but i think i can understand you" Has-Big-Axe tried to look empathically at Elsuch (OOC: sorry i keep spelling ur name wrong but i dunno the alt-codes for those accents) but unconciously, his eyes kept darting to the staff lying on the table.

"Anyway, let us proceed, you lead the way...i'll carry the staff, i don't want it tainting you too"

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OOC:Actually, doesn't this call for some sort of a rpg? I've never ever played a rpg at these forums, so I have no clue about it, except that one should rp.. Mebbe one should make some sort of "everyday rpg", one that wouldn't require that you actually went around questing, kind of like this one, but somewhere else? I mean sure, one could travel around and stuff, but it wouldn't be that kind of rpg where you went around killing things all the time.. I'm going to wait and see if any mods approve that we continue outside or not, if not, let's make a everyday rpg, should we?


Edit:I sure do hope that the mods read these posts now and then.. do they?


Edit2:Ok, Chunky, we have to make a new thread if this stuff is going to continue, or we could simply give up and.. um, disappear in a bush or something, should we give it a try?

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Élsúch stood up from his chair and waved to his friend. "We should hurry if we want that thing destroyed before it get's us both killed" he said and walked over to the door. "You should wrap something around that thing, it could hurt you even more" he mumbled and pointed at the cursed staff lying innocently on the wooden table. As he opened the door, he took one last look around the tavern, wondering if he would ever see it again. "Well, let's go" he said and walked out the door before his friend.


OOC:Since nobody answered, I'll ask again, Is this tavern placed in Vvardenfell or is it placed somewhere else? If it isn't in Vvardenfell, then where is it?

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OOC: I would assume Vvardenfell...


Earlier, a young breton about the age of 18 stormed in to the tavern... By looking at his face one could tell he had something to say and was tired from his travels. He looked around the room, bounced from left to right to see passed people. Tyjet looked over at two people surrounding a staff. Both look useful for problem he was having. He decided to sit down and watched the two. Tyjet's green cloak, now covered in dirt and blood, ran along the floor as walked to his seat. He had watched them wrap the staff... this is oviously a dangerous weapon, otherwise they wouldn't wrap it so tight... They got up and then followed the two. He really needed to find Eiade... Maybe they knew?


Tyjet runs out the door and stops in front of the two yelling for them to wait.


"Wait!! Have of you seen a bosmor with blonde hair? She usually likes a lot of attention and plays instuments and sings! Have you seen her?! I must find her soon! I'm not sure how, but she may be in danger..."


Tyjet looked in to their eyes and he could tell they knew something.


"I will help you on what ever quest it is you are doing just so long as you help me. I am well trained with this crossbow and mace. I also am very well trained in restoration. I can be a great help to any team. Please help me, and promise to help you."

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"A blonde haired bosmer, you say?" said Élsúch and watched the man. "She said she had an important appointment and left us some time ago..", he doubted and continued; "why do you ask?" Élsúch thought for a while and then said:"did you say you need help, because we were on a journey, and if you would like to join us, then we shall help you with any problems that we may."


OOC:Hey, if you want to, you could join my rp thread:"Everyday rpg" and we could go on, since I think that the mods don't want us rping outside the tavern in this thread, simply join us at that thread.

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Armiena looks up from her glass of wine towards the party leaving the tavern, and looks at the staff in an appraising manner just before it is wrapped up.


"I'm surprised. Not much happens here--excepting, of course, the mysterious murders, that assassin, and ummm...." she leaves her sentence trailing off, realizing how stupid she just sounded. She decides to relieve her embarassment by downing the rest of her glass in one gulp.

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