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The dark ranger replys with "I am a killer of all things evil like vampires and i am also a.......well used to be a bounty hunter"


The dark ranger turns to Rio'h and says "I am glad you have your own protection"


Quickly turning to Geledron and wispers "CAN I TRUST DRIZZT????"

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"Shii'n disks! I've only seen those things in books, are they a common weapon in Searamun?" at this Gelderon leans back to speak to everyone."I believe we can trust Drizzt, though I think we would all be a bit friendlier if we knew more about him. So, on that note, tell us about yourself Drizzt. And you'd best do it quick, I think the dark ranger is getting a little agitated." *chuckle*
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Rio'th turns back to Gelderon and notices the ring; "....I've just arrived here two weeks ago in Morrowind. Before that I have been travelling arround in my homeland but I wanted to explore something new. I'm born in Searamun and raised in a small family. All my life I thought that there had to be more than my normal boring life so I decided to travel arround searching for some adventure. That's why I left my homeland...I'm travelling from city to city, sometimes I stay a few days there and try to earn some money..."


He opens his coat and takes out one of his Shii'n disks. The disk has an golden color with engravings in it. The large dark stone in the middle is surrounded by eight holes which are used to activate and hold the disk in his hands. Rio'th puts his figers in the holes and the stone starts to glow.


"Shii'n disks are very common in Searamun. They are very powerfull weapons and it takes some great skill to controll them. My people are already being trained in the Shii'n fighting style when they are very young. It's for their own protection..."


Rio'th sees that his disk is drawing to much attention and decide to put his disk away. Then he looks at Gelderon's finger.


"nice ring you've got there" he says very quiet but just loud enough for Gelderon to hear it...


ooc:*Shii'n Disks*

Edited by Geonox
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Gelderon pauses, as if he means to speak, he struggles to get the words out.


"It was given to me by my late wife." Gelderons face grows grim, "She gave me this ring and told me I should use my healing powers to help people. Shortly after I left, my wife contracted corpus, she kept to herself for days. One day she left the house, now a corpus beast; she attacked a woman on the street. The guards rushed to save the woman, but they got there too late; she had killed her... The guards, in their anger, struck down my wife, seeing her only as a corpus beast." A tear runs down Gelderons face. "The townsfolk were so afraid the corpus would spread that they put her in my house and burnt it all down. This ring is my last possesion, its name is Compassion. You see, my wife was a great enchanter, and this ring was her anniversery preasant to me. The best I can figure, she must have contracted corpus from a contaminated soulgem, or a weapon given to her to enchant. The ring enhances my healing skill and fortifies my willpower." Gelderon stares down at the ring, trying to hide his emotions. "I didn't mean to ramble on like that, I'm sorry... So know you know why I'm here, wandering the countryside."

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Rio'th listens to Gelderon and knows that he shouldn't have asked about the ring.


"I'm...srry I din't knew, I'm srry to hear that..." he says when Gelderon is finished.


Rio'th looks down and knows that it's better not to speak further about this subject. He slowly turns back and looks at the dark elf which just arrived...

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"No, they did what they thought was right... I dont think any of those guards even knew about Tel Fyrs corpsusmorium. Though if they are ever hurt I would do nothing to heal them! Of course the old guards are probubly retired, new ones may have taken their places. No, I would have you do nothing to hurt them." Gelderon looks down at his ring and remembers the years of joy he shared with his wife. A small smile creeps on his face. He faces the dark ranger. "Thank you anyway friend, should you ever need healing just come to me."


OOC:Marcinius, if you dont pick up your respoding rate, we will unfotunately have to continue the conversation without you. Sorry :bye:

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Rio'th looks at the dark ranger and understands his anger.


"That was an big offer, I rather stay on the background and try to avoid fights. I will only fight when it's necesairy, when others attack me. Please remember that the guards probably didn't knew that it was her and that they also have wifes and children which they tried to protect. Just like the rest of the village. If you kill them you will destroy many families. And I think that one is already to much. But I can understand your anger. Your an good person."


Rio'th stops and orders something to drink for the ranger and Gelderon. Then he turns to the dark ranger;


"but you haven't realy told us, well at least not me, where you come from and who you are. You've got an nice bow there...Like Gelderon said, are you an vampire hunter?"

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The dark ranger replys with "sorta i kill all things evil and i come from a place once known as thretos..............it was destroied by vampires and evil as it was burning down I asked the god to give me strength and out of no where i was granted a bow with all kinds of powers I ran away in shame for not saving them but as I got to the top of the cliif I watched it burn down.

The dark rangers eyes start to get watery and he picks up his beer and drinks away trying to hide his past.

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