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OOC: I sent a report to the mods asking to either get him active again or take control of him and make him leave the cantina i.e. he will most likely NOT be involved in any quest, should we decide to pursue it. :ranting: I feel 8 days was enough time for him to reply or at least make his character leave the cantina and give closure to his part in the conversation. We are sorry Marcinius... :rip:
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OOC> You can invent your own reasons, like he's fallen asleep or whatever. And if you're ready to role play start one in the Wilderness forum. If this post is OTT I'm sorry but I don't have time to read the whole thread.


You suddenly realise that Drizzt, the person you have been staring at, is not really there at all. It is some sort of manifestation and whoever sent it has too little power to let it do more than stare back at you. Even as you watch it disappears into nothingness. Perhaps the one behind the manifestation is somewhere in the world waiting for you to find him. Or perhaps he has just died?


Dare you adventure to find out?

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OOC: Thanks malchik and will do next time, i just wanted to make sure i wasnt breaking any rules by takeing care of Marcinious myself.


Gelderon falls backwards out of his chair and his staff falls from his hand and hits his head. Gelderon gets up, though stunned, and looks around. "What in Vvardenfell was that!" Gelderon then puts his hand on his head, caressing the lump now riseing on it. "Well, that was quite nimble of me!" He says with a laugh.

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"No thank you, I can heal much more dire wounds than a simple lump, but the thought is appriciated. Are you a healer such as I, or do you simply have some knowledge of the healing arts?" At this Gelderon covers the lump with the hand his ring is on. The ring glows slightly brighter as Gelderon chants under his breath. As he stops chanting the ring returns to its normal state. Gelderon removes his hand from his head and reveals that the lump is now gone. "Much better!" Gelderon mutters under his breath.


OOC: you should probubly read back a few pages (about 3) to see what is going on and who we all are. It is possible that your character had overheard the conversation and had been in the bar all along so it wont be a break in continuity for you to know about our names and other facts we stated before.

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Shadzon observes the individual quickly restore himself. " Actually, no, because I am not a healer so much as an enchanter and alchemist, and a geologist and archaeologist by nature of interest, but through all of these trades I have become a vagabond fine wares. I even know the chemical used to bind souls to this mortal realm, which happens to be quite a delicious mixture even though it is an aquired taste, and its effect is something you cant do with a simple wave of the hand. Only effects corpses. Of course, If I could wave my hand and keep a soul here, Im sure it would be much simpler. I admire a healer in his own right, but I am more a merchant anyway, profitting from my self-created wares, going from port to port. However, although I admire the healers trade, there are some people who are not gifted with such natural abillity, and I've learned from my line of work that herbs can cure anything."


Shadzon swigs from his rum. "That is quite an aquired taste too, rum is. The akaviri pirates themselves drink it with breakfast on occaision. Now then, these disc-like weapons you speak of: Is there, perchance, any way to socket precious jewels and stones, or inscribe runes from the various clans and traditions?"

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Gelderon becomes very interested in this stranger. He is somewht cautous because of the recent incident with the phantom. He fears that this strangers appearance was too well timed with the phantoms dissapearance. Of course, it could just be coincidence... "I have a bit of the alchemist in me also. It comes with the line of work. I cant very well sit in a house nursing a patient while others suffer. I give them their medicine and leave them be, unless it is a dire condition of-course! It seems that you are a most usefull fellow! I suppose the reason you came here was to sell your wares. Whats your name, and from where do you hail my friend?"
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"I am Shadzon, a dunmer gentleman and yet a humble merchant. I find myself here for the same reason that any other barfly finds himself here, for a nice shot of a hard beverage. But more than that, I am here to research a social environment between members of all races. You would never imagine the predjudice against my kind from some of the wilder forms and races, such as the children of the root. They all assume I am as racist as many of the others of my kind, but growing up in the westerly provinces of High Rock and later Hammerfell deterred any of that. I saw you and your new aquaintences walk into this tavern, one who happens to look particularly interesting. But, please... Now that introductions are over, might you tell me of the depth of your trade. Do you specialize in any school? My particular depths stop just short of being able to shoot fire from my palm..."


Shadzon demonstraits by a flick of his fingers onto a small stone, lighting his rum.


"This particular rock is flint, and with my nails I can cast a spark. And I am sure that if I had more of a time to learn the other schools of magic, I would be great. But, I am content with my lowly, perverse station."


OOC: ive been here before you got here, mister. Read previous to your posts.

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"I hold no prejudice torwards any race, nor am I for slavery." Gelderon wispers the last part of his sentance. "My skills encompase a great many things, healing is merely my most advanced. I have no destructive abilities, nor hold and destructive wishes for anyone. I do however have some skill in alteration. I can levitate if any need arises to do so. That sums up my magical abilities, but as for my physical; I wear no armor and yet am quite good at protecting myself with the accomodations I do have. I have decent ability with my staff, though I use it only in defence. I do not seek to cause injuries to anyone because in my profession I can refuse no-one my services. If I were to hurt a man I would surely have to heal him as well. Needless to say that would not work out well in a battle for me. Gelderon chuckles at his foolishness.


OOC: I do remember you being here before me, and my friends, but you had stopped communicateing a whie back. Implyingthat you may have left the bar and embarked on a quest of some sort. I was merely trying to keep the continuity going. Sorry if I offended you in any way. ^_^

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"That reminds me, why is that school called destruction? Surely you can use the fire from your palms to cook your meat and great many other things. But I am not a man who would enter any fray. There are potions I create that, when thrown so that its contents mix with the air, burst into a puff of smoke large enough to make an escape." Shadzone blows the flame from his rum before finishing the glass. "The fire in that bevarage brings out the flavor of the liquer. Perhaps you would be interested in the recipe for that throwing potion? Its helped me avoid many fights. But even I keep a dagger for hunting and eating if I ever find myself in the wild, inscribed with ancient runes from the north."


OOC: Its ok, man. No offense, ya rube. :D Same reason I didnt talk earlier is cause there was no common grounds for me to and I didnt want to interrupt your conversation.

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