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I suppose its called the school of destruction because the powers in that school of magic all have destructive capabilities in the natural world. The usefull reasons to use the school are overshadowed by mans want for power. That potion does indeed sound usefull! You will have to tell me that recipe later. Though escaping fights is only a last resort, if I can, I try to disuade them altogether. Although, against an Ogrim Titan I have a feeling words would be of little use! That dagger would indeed be useful in the wilderness. But as for me, I have no way to kill wild animals, other than giving them a swift blow to the head, which usually just gets them routy. I would probubly end up eating plants or some such if I was caught in such a position.


OOC:Well, if it ever happens again, just throw yourself head first into the conversation and hope for the best. We wont mind at all!

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Rio'th answers:


"well ... Hyeti? Hyeti was your name right? It's always better to have an place to sleep at night. I heared that there are a lot of vampires seen arround lately. You should try the small farmers just outside the town. They always have an place to sleep. Don't go to far, you will easely get lost in the dark."

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An Argonian male in a common brown robe enters and sits at a table near a strange-looking blue creature. He pulls out a flask of special tea that he made himself, and takes a sip. He eyes the new creature, and relaxes in his seat, resting his legs from a day's worth of running. His adamantium spear rests between his legs and against his shoulder, glimmering purple.
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The Argonian turned and smiled as best as an Argonian could smile, and set his tea on the table.

"I'm a monk-healer for the Argonian Mission in Ebonheart. Since I'm the fastest runner, they chose me to run several important documents to a contact in Dagon Fel." (ooc: this allows the tavern to be located practically anywhere on Vvardenfell) "And my name is Phaiaden, if you would like to know."


He eyed the blue person once more.


"And who," he inquired the creature. "Or more importantly what, are you?"

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Finally Speaking Hyeti, says "I'm Hyeti, escaper of the slaves, and founder of the glass" Hyeti pauses for a moment while he thinks, and says "yea, those vampires are getting pretty annoying. I know for the wolf it's the silver, but what wepon will help me with the vampires?" (occ: Hyeti is an escaped slave, and can't use magic, since his slave bracers are sill on) Hyeti tries to hide the bracers, but it is too late. Hyeti sips his flin nervously, and hopes noone saw
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