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Please, make big guns more durable


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When wandering the wasteland, I am sure a lot, if not most, of us carry a rifle and a pistol. Or maybe two rifles, or two pistols, depending on how we have perked ourselves up. Why do we do this? Because weapons degrade incredibly fast. That's fine and dandy. After all those years and all those wars weapons should be hammered about a bit.


The problem is big guns. These things should be sturdier and harder to break than regular pistols and wot-not. Worse, they weigh much more, meaning that carrying around a spare for when one degrades to the point of unusability (usually when wandering Old Olney) is just not practical, and I end up putting my 13 unarmed skill dukes up against a pair of deathclaws, consequently getting my head ripped off in glorious HD slow motion.


I have looked at the indestructable weapon mod on the Nexus, and while it's a good mod it just isn't what I am after. Is there a way to mod the game so that just big guns (specifically, minigun and gattling lazer as well as their unique variants) degrade much slower than they currently do? I am a bit thick, however I have opened up the GECK and taken a look around. If someone isn't interested in producing a mod such as this could they at least point me in the right direction so I can have a go at building it myself?



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