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Crafted Is Better Than Found


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While smithing is great for tempering bonuses to make really powerful weapons and armor, I find it disappointing that there is no benefit to making your own armor/gear as opposed to just finding gear and improving it. Thus, I'd like to make mod that gives you a reason to make your own gear.


Now, I could actually do that the hard way, which would require me to make crafted version of every item in the game, change every crafting recipe to point to the new item, and create new tempering recipes for every crafted version. However, if I could find a way to mark an item as crafted, then I could just create a perk that gives bonuses for using crafted items. Not only would that take much less time, it would make the mod compatible with any other mod that adds or changes items to the game.


There is actually a quest for crafting items and a Craft Item event to start the quest, but I am a scripting novice (at best) and don't have a clue if it is possible or safe to use those to accomplish my goal. Alternatively, maybe there is a way to alter level lists so that any items found would be lesser (used) versions of the weapons.


Anyone have any ideas?

Edited by kandaffar
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