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Guilds of Fallout


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id like to see a mod to join and rise in the ranks of different groups/guilds. im sure others have thought of this, but ive searched a lot and there is nothing out there like this yet. why??? is it hard to do somethng like this? i wouldnt know, im not a modder (unfortunatly geck crashes everytime)

but i think if you made the missions something like oblivion did with the guilds, it could work


Talon Company Mercs: payed to complete contracts and kill whoever is supposed to be killed, after a certain number of kills, you rise in your rank, and then kills get harder and harder throught out the ranks, sometimes gotta kill people hard to find, kill squad of people, kill traitors to the talon co. etc. etc., until you are incharge of talon company mercs, can bring any one with you, and get paid weekly from taking a % of others contract caps. maybe youll even be asigned to join in the fight at the capital building.


Brotherhood of Steel: sarah lyons was wrong! you CAN join the BOS! cleanse areas of super mutants. defend different important buildings from oncoming enemies. fight the enclave in the ongoing war. rise in your ranks and eventually be a member of the Lyons Squad! you dont get paid to do this alot, but you do get good karma points, charisma boost (cause people respect you), and maybe a NEW type of power armor made just for this. BOS members will follow you ofcourse. and you get a room in the citadel too i guess.


Enclave: join the enclave through a group that is non-hostile somewhere, and then the rest will become non-hostile too. orders will be to kill any BOS you see, or any non-enclave person for that matter. take a ride in the vertibird and conquer various spots in the wastes, like arefu, andale, megaton, tenpenny tower. ALL must be brought to their deaths for the the sake of america damnit!

get paid and get new technology stuff (idk what, you can think of that one). and then youll basicaly be a top general in the army and report to autumn or even president eden himself! then youll basically be the "Enclave Commander" like the mod.


Rileys Rangers: this can only be joined after you do the mission for them. after that you are assigned to find certain locations with little hints, but thats all. find em, report back, get paid. tougher locations will be assigned, and youll also have to do some protection assignments, escorting an important person or group, get hired to kill people (bad guys only). maybe riley will retire and itll be *your name here* rangers. but there needs to be more rangers set up so you can get people to come with you and stuff.


Slaver: enslave people for money, old people are low price, men and women are normal price, children are high price. sometimes youll be ordered to enslave someone important in a high security area. join a slaver squad to hunt down escaped slaves, or bring in temple of the union members for high prices. defend lincoln memorial against escaped slaves too. report to ymir for beginning ranks, then forty for mid ranks, and then eulogy, and maybe youll have a mission where slaves have snuck into the paradise falls, killed eulogy and are attacking, but the good thing is, eulogys dead, and now your the leader of paradise! (if you can kill the slaves)


Outcasts: find technology, search for 200 year old artifacts that will hopefully be made by someone who knows how. artifacts are put in hidden places, high security places, and you might have to disguise yourself as enclave or BOS to get tech from them. but enclave likes tech too, so expect to defend headquarters against the enclave ambush. the more tech you obtain, the higher the rank you go, and there better the weapons you get. plus maybe something to boost skills or special with the use of tech.


Raiders: kill, kill, kill! steal, steal, steal! setup ambushs against caravans, raid small settlements at first, then move on to bigger ones, then towns when your rank is risen. sometimes heros like to kill raiders, so defend against that. maybe BOS will try to take down your raider place, kill them and the raiders at the main base (maybe fairfax or bethesda) will all begin wearing raider power armor, after learning how to make some themselves (http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=4176). maybe youll even finish the job on blowing into a certain vault and raiding the hell out of them!


Temple of Union: help escaped slaves, free them personally, escort them to safe havens across the wastes (no fast traveling you lazy bitches (sorry)). aLOT of defending the TOU place from slavers, and then take out the slaves at the lincoln memorial and defend it from slavers (their not just gonna go "ok we'll let them keep it" right?). maybe this could extend to the Pitt DLC, but probably shouldnt, but maybe reference the Pitt and the slaves there.




every rank of every group gives bonuses to something in your skills or special, something that would go along with the mission types. maybe 10 or more ranks with each group.




so whats everyone think about this?

all opinions are welcome.

this sounds like it would be a big mod, so itll probably need teamwork to do.

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I think most people will agree this is a great idea. Im sure most people have also thought it strange you cant join 'guilds' (Factions), especially those who played Oblivion and particularly Morrowind.


I think in practice though, its a huge undertaking, if not a very worthy one. People are probably working on 1 or 2 of the factions, but a large scale mod with several people working could possibly see one faction through with missions, locations, promotions etc.


Nice, but daunting!

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yea, thats what i was thinking. it would take a lot of time to do all the factions, lots of work. and it shouldve been added in the first place. but its possible right? and deffinitly worth it, in my opinion.


i think this is a much needed mod by everyone who plays FO3. especially if you played oblivion and morrowind.

maybe if a team of modders focused on 1 faction at a time and worked real hard on it, this could eventually become a full mod that would claim the number 1 spot on the charts, get the recognition of bethesda workers and get you jobs in the business (i hope this is making people want to do it now).


i would help in anyway i could, but i dont know how to use GECK and it usually crashes when i try it anyway.


it seems like its mainly adding npcs, setting up triggered events, changing factions stuff. theres probably more to it, but im not a modder, so i wouldnt know.

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