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Recruit Aliens Mod


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If it's possible, I'd like to see the ability to recruit alien troops to your side in some manner or another. Also, if possible I'd like whatever mechanics used to achieve that to integrate as seamlessly into the universe as possible, (in short, have it fit in the lore) though I don't know enough about the universe to suggest much.

Edited by immortalfrieza
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  • 3 months later...

I hope someone will eventually make this, I've been looking everywhere for something like this, to bad the game is just so hard to mod...


They could fit it into lore so that aliens that are captured could be mind controlled like building a shiv but just cost some money and a live alien captive caught with the arc thrower, or they could go like the other game, xcom: the burea, and say that the aliens just hive mind their people and that when they are broken out they decide to work with xcom against their enslavers.


Anyway I support this idea and I hope someone braves that coding nightmare and gets this idea into reality.

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