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Oblivion sexualized monsters


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Welcome to Oblivion sexualized monsters work in progress topic.



-the mod will be adult rated, and all the screenshots show in this topic contain nudity.

so if you have not reach the majority age according to your country laws, please don't read this topic.




This is work in progess, screenshots are not representative of the final version.




Ideas and sugestions are welcome.


This mod will include two plugins.

the first for oblivion's monsters and the second for Shivering isles monsters.

i'll split in two for who have not shivering isles add-on.


Oblivion sexualized monsters list:





flame atronarch

frost atronarch


daedroth and




and merunes dagon


Shivering isles sexualized monsters list:




and the gatekeeper

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Final mod include previous sexualised mod:

Sexualised spriggan



Sexualized Spider daedra



Sexualized ogre



and sexualized minautor

I don't put screenshot, because as my first mod of the series, i'll remake all the meshes and i'll add new textures

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Oblivion sexualized monsters list:


flame atronarch

frost atronarch


The first two I don't really get, aren't they just like pure embodiments of their elements? Why would they have or need any sort of sexual organs?... though admittedly the flame atronach does look like woman, I still don't see how that works. (... A storm atronach with sexual organs would be scary, especially since just walking close to one would result in being smacked by those sex organs a couple dozen times.)

Also Ghosts? I guess you could give them breasts, but there really isn't much to work with for them...

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flame atronarch

frost atronarch

The first two I don't really get, aren't they just like pure embodiments of their elements? Why would they have or need any sort of sexual organs?...

I don't see why not. They don't really need to have human shape at all, do they? They probably don't have physical brains as we know them, so they don't need heads, and they probably don't need eyes to see, if the wisps don't. Their appearance is all for looks, I'd assume.

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I was just watching the Hellboy 2 director's commentary with Guillermo del Toro, and coincidentally enough he had something amusingly on topic to say regarding an elemental forest god in the movie (if placed in Oblivion, it might be an überspriggan):

"By the way, for those of you that notice, this elemental has a middle tentacle between his legs. *chuckles* So for those of you who want to know if it's a 'she' elemental or a 'he' elemental...it's a 'he' elemental."

I'm afraid I've sort of lost the train of this thread in my absence, but perhaps I can continue our conversation privately JCP, if you'd like. :)

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I'm afraid I've sort of lost the train of this thread in my absence, but perhaps I can continue our conversation privately JCP, if you'd like. :)

Actually, quite a bit was already posted, and lost due to server issues. The basic gist of it was;


Lore doesn't matter since it's his mod, and he can do what he wants with it, people playing this kind of mod aren't too concerned about lore anyway.


After that, the discussion was weather this mod was intended as nudity for a purpose (both sexes being represented), or nudity simply for the sake of nudity. I had explained that covering up some has nothing to do with modesty, and was originally just part of practical survival (were wearing loin cloths long before any sort of social doctrine was established) (man who loses his appendage in a fight can't make babies).


Was a little bit of misplaced notions that everyone who isn't for this mod is a prude. But the bottom line was something most probably agreed to, it is his mod, he can do what he wants with it. Some of us would just prefer adult mods to contain something more than just exposing bits and bobs without rhyme or reason. For most of us, if we wanted to stare at those kinds of things without purpose, there's an internet filled with more than our eyes could ever look at.


That's about the extent of it.


*sidenote: I'm using idioms not because I have a problem mentioning those words, but because this is still an all-ages forum. Just because a post states that it contains adult content doesn't mean that all the kiddies will necessarily stay out (more like the opposite). How things are referred to doesn't actually matter since it's fairly obvious what is being talked about. But there are still various rules to consider.

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