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Oblivion sexualized monsters


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The original minotaur was described as a man with the head of a bull, not a bull (both head and body) who walked upright, so it all depends how much Bethesda is deviating from the original. These minotaurs have hooves for feet, but human hands, so it seems like anything goes.

You know me... Trying to push on this silly belief that a mod like this should be more than just an excuse to see more T&P. I'd make a reference to the South Park "cheezing" episode somewhere, but frankly don't think it would accomplish much. Maybe someone should just start adding those bits and pieces to more stuff, like houses, weapons, armor, trees, and everywhere else one might find room, and just get it over with. But I digress... It's his mod, I just felt that this particular instance would be one of the more practical places to include some variation, and not be just an excuse to show some breasts.

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I support udders on the basis that they might look better and serve more of a purpose. The giant boobs up by the Minotaur's face just looks weird. Like they'd be flopping all around and disrupting its field of vision and stuff.


Eoa: In Oblivion at least, that can be explained by the simple fact that all humanoids use the same body mesh. Also if you read up on the Argonian Compedium and search the word "breasts" and/or "Maverique"You'll see that there is some disputes to whether they have breasts or not.

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I took a look at the vanilla minotaurs of Oblivion, and I see they have nipples where humans have nipples. That should settle it.


One thing I said amongst the lost forum change posts was something along the lines of: "Yes, while our minds may lead to things like prudishness, overprotection, and the occasional odd sense of morality.... There's also a psychological instinct that wants to fit in, to see things we recognize, to see things that we deem beautiful or normal. Which is why things like the fire atronach and ice atronach look like this and not this( okay, the fire golem is humanoid, but it was either that or the poltergeist from STALKER.)."


Originally when I posted that I forgot what the point of posting that was, but this is a perfect example of why I posted that. lore wise Bethesda is very inconsistent, and conflicting about some things(partially due to the multiple points of view, and beliefs given at times), and well if Minotaurs had bull like Nipples I can just see their forums having the occasional "Wot is teh minotaur a man or a woman?!", "Heh the Minotaur has nipples...", etc. I admit I even had to look up "male dog nipples" and "bull nipples" to actually believe that male dogs and bulls actually have udder like nipples; and the average gamer would probably just think the minotaurs were female or have to do the same search I did.


My point is male minotaur udders would likely have just flown right over the heads most gamers and probably would just be far too confusing. (not to mention the prudish type yelling "Oh noes!!! possibly female nipples, possibly female nipples!!!")


Or maybe I'm just being like a politician and making myself believe this in order to further my Agenda of giving female minotaurs udders. ;D

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My point is male minotaur udders would likely have just flown right over the heads most gamers and probably would just be far too confusing.

Most gamers? I would hate to think most gamers have a lack of knowledge of classical mythology and biology, and would not want to say so. But the fact is, aside from the hooves, Bethesda chose a representation of minotaurs straight out of the Labyrinth of Minos. Bull head, human body (which includes nipples). The Minotaur was the child of a human woman and a god who took the form of a bull, hence the impossible and arbitrary chimerical nature of the beast.

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Well after doing an image search of "minotaur" and "female minotaur" (mostly amatuer fan art looking stuff fort he females) I couldn't find any with udders. The breast could at least be a bit smaller though; I mean it REALLY looks like a fast axe swing might cause the minotaur to knock itself out with its own breasts.
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Oh, I agree the breasts might be better with a reduction in size. (I also think that for aesthetic purposes, the ogres' breasts should be shriveled and sagging.) I had assumed that the artist had made them that size to correspond with the exaggeratedly wide, beefy chest of the male, but on reflection he might have been attempting to sate those who would expect udder-sized mammaries to denote their bovine halves (which I argue against). Either way, I'd support a reduction if it looked fitting.
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Oh, I agree the breasts might be better with a reduction in size. (I also think that for aesthetic purposes, the ogres' breasts should be shriveled and sagging.) I had assumed that the artist had made them that size to correspond with the exaggeratedly wide, beefy chest of the male, but on reflection he might have been attempting to sate those who would expect udder-sized mammaries to denote their bovine halves (which I argue against). Either way, I'd support a reduction if it looked fitting.

-> & JCP768 & Vagrant0

Generally, to compare a woman with a cow is not a compliment on the small size of her breasts...humm!

but you're right, the big breast of this female minautor are quite ugly ( But I clarify that it's the low polygon version)

However, i don't think about change the ogress mesh.

I was inspired by some prehistoric statuettes representing fertility goddesses (I know, it's not obvious at first sight.)


For the rest, Tchos summarized well of what I think. Minautor have human body and bull head.So, no uppers for females.

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