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Script needed.


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I want a monster to flee from the player. Not from a mile away, but when i get a bit close. So when i come close to him he runs away and i'l be chasing him like a madman.


Would even be better if you then could still get the monster to blast me with magic, while fleeing, but that's not that important. Oh And the monster has to keep on fleeing, even if i hit it. (unless i hit him with a paralyze spell ofcourse :P)


Thank you in advance!


ps: i could have asked tscrib at the "do you want a script wrote" thread aswell, but i think he should just focus on the challenges in that thread instead of this little script. :P

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yeah with some algorythems you can make him flee directly from the player by taking his position and the players and fleeing to a position oposite him.


But as MB said obstical dodging is another matter nothing to stop him fleeing intoa wall or off a cliff or decide the best way to imaginary spot is through the player

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