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wildfire's past


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!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WARRING! VERY GRAPHIC VIOLENCE AHEAD WARRING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




















As I got ready for bed I couldn’t help but wonder, what was she thinking? Shade had that look again. And when she has that look that means she wants something. After changing into my pajamas I brushed my teeth and was about to crawl into bed when someone knocked on my door. “come in” I said as I tightened my mask around my nose and face. What a surprise, it was shade.


“Hey wildfire? Can I ask you something?”




“We’ve been together for 3 years and I was wondering….what’s behind your mask?” I froze. Should I show her? I trust her with my life and the lives of a squad. I guess I should show her. “Wildfire? Are you OK?”


“You must promise never to tell anyone.”


“I swear I won’t” I took a deep breath and pulled back the hair that always covered my face. At the same time I slowly lowered my mask. I could hear a subtle gasp from her. “I’ve seen you be almost ripped apart, shot, burned and all kinds of other thing and you never had any mark to show it.” I could see her eyes looking the scars on my face. There were 2 running along each cheek and 3 across my nose.


“These were before I could heal”


“What happened?”


“My……..father was a drunken monster” was all could come to say. Her eyes grew huge.


“you mean he-“


“It’s ok. He’s gone now”


“What happened to him?”





“Wildfire you can’t serious. You just finished you last bit of training and now you want to just run off?!” the officer on duty just about screamed at me


“I only need 2 hours” I said calmly


“Permission granted” we both turned to see Alex, the overseer of ‘project inferno’ walking towards us


“sir you must be joking” before anyone could say anything else I ran to the garage, found my motorcycle and sped off into the city.


30 minutes later…


I stood in front of the door to his 5th floor apartment. I knocked on the door. “GO AWAY!” was the reply though the door. Typical.

I took a deep breath “here we go” I muttered under my breath. I kicked the door off its hinged and walked in to face him. “What the hell?! Get out of here!!” my hands were shaking with rage when I saw him. As I walked towards him jet black flames burned where I stepped. Before he could say anything I grabbed him by the throat and threw him through a nearby door. The door shattered sending splinters everywhere. I walked over to where he landed and stood over him. We were in a bathroom. “who are you?. Please leave me alone!”


“you don’t remember me? Look into my eyes and tell me you don’t remember me!” I growled grabbing his collar and held him up to my face. My eyes had changed from white with a green iris to jet black with a red one but anyone could see the hate I held for this man in my eyes. He looked into my eyes for a few seconds.

His eyes grew wide and the color drained from his face. “Vincent? Is that you?” my response was to slam his head into the mirror above a sink. Glass shards fell everywhere like razor sharp diamonds. “ Vincent please give me a chance” he begged. I replied by ramming his face into the sink and ground his face into the broken glass. Slowly the sink turned red. Finally I pulled him up and looked at his face. Tiny shards of glass were buried in his skin. “mercy please.” He said almost crying.


“Mom killed herself because of your abuse!” I yelled “you never showed mercy and now I’m not going to either.” I threw him through the wall back into the living room. Once I reached where he landed I rolled him on his back. I put my foot on his knee and wrapped my finger around his ankle. With one pull I broke his leg causing him to scream in pain. Good I thought, I want him to scream. I want him to beg for death. I grabbed his hand and began to break his finger as in as many places as I could.


Finally after about an hour of torture I drew the heartbreakers.” I’m surprised your still breathing” I said coldly and I screwed on the suppressors. I grabbed him by the throat and placed the barrel over the left side of his blood soaked chest “you broke our hearts….now I’m going to break yours” with that I pulled the trigger…over and over and over. I must have pulled that trigger 75 time even though there were only 16 shots in the gun (15 in the mag and one in the chamber) I then reached in the bag I brought and held a wooden sign on his chest. Using my gun I hammered the sign into his corpse. I then dragged the body to the wall and threw it threw the window. It landed on a passing police car. I started to walk out of the room but stopped at the doorway. Closing my eyes i focused all my anger and the apartment burst into jet black hellfire.


the sign said "wife and child abuser"


End flashback


“he was the first to die by the heartbreakers.” I told her. I felt something fall on my hand looking down I saw that a blood red tear fell onto a clenched fist.




“it’s ok shade. What’s done is done. Please go get some rest.” She left without a word. I could only wonder if things be the same as I brought my mask to my face and went to sleep….

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