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Recommended utilty and tool mods?


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Where the heck did the body of my opening post go? Im getting really frustrated right now as I want to download some quests and new areas but I dont want to mess up my game so I need to know what are the necessary mod utilities to make sure everything runs smoothly. Im sure Im not the only person totally frustrated and confused by this. Is it supposed to be some sort of closed community as no one answered and my original post seems to have been messed about with. It would seem it makes sense to have an entry in the faq detailing what utiltities a player needs to make new quests, areas, equipment etc work without breaking the game. I would be very grateful for help and advice on this matter.
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Fallout Mod Manager is the most important thing.


But if you have two mods that conflict with each other, there's not really anything that can be done except not use one of them.


Thanks. I have been looking around these boards and there seems to be other necessary and helpful utilties including archive invalidation invalidated and thr lightsaber quest mod also refers to other utils. There are guides but none of them are concise or simple enough for non science professors :rolleyes: like me.

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