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Mod with GUIs stop working (MGSO Conflict?)


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Hey, long time Morrowind fan here. I decided to have a go at the Overhaul last night. After a bit of work, I got it installed and working properly. So, after getting the Overhaul, I decided to download some of my favorite mods. I tend to use the mod "Autonomous Spellmaking" and some sort of portable house mod in most of my playthroughs.


So, I started playing last night. The spellmaking mod was working fine. I got a bit tied up in the Mage's guild for a few hours and didn't make any spells for a few hours. I noticed that I finally had enough gold in my game to buy the portable house from a merchant. When, I bought the house, it didn't do anything,


In this case, the portable house mod I used was McG Simple Portable House (here on the Nexus). It works by placing the item on the ground and activating it. When you activate it, a menu pops up with the options "Goto House" and "Pickup Drum." The first option teleports you to the house and the latter puts the bottle in your inventory.


Stumped, I decided the mod must have been a dud. I quickly replaced it with "Aladdin's Bottle" from PES. Except, the mod did the same thing: nothing. Clicking the options "Goto House" and "Pickup Bottle" would just close the GUI with no effects.


Annoyed, I decided to just continue on with the Mage's Guild. I was on a quest to get some notes locked up in a pretty secure part of Vivec. I figured I'd need an Open Lock spell, so I dropped the book from the spellmaking mod so that I could make a spell. I activated the book like always, and the menu came up. I clicked "Spellmaker".... Nothing. Clicking the other options did nothing as well.


At this point, I decided to start a new save to see if the mods would work on a fresh character. Lo and behold, all of them worked on the new character. But what of the character I'm playing? I'm not sure what the problem is that would cause these mods to not work. I suppose they're somehow conflicting with the Overhaul?


Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Edit: http://imgur.com/a/D9NL8


This imgur album should help illustrate what I'm trying to convey if there's any confusion.

Edited by MrFahrenheit247
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