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Things that dont make sence FO3 version


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Here is one that bothered me: Raiders kind of stick together. Why aren't they just going around in one huge massive group and killing a ton of people? Well.. it is a game thing.


Yet the raiders and Talon company are not always going at it? I would expect to come across random battles, well perhaps not random.


I really think that there is an issue with Bethesda. Regardless of the audience and market today, intelligent writing can still sell.


I think that if they worked harder on the game they could have made it great. A little more realism, a better story, and for goodness sakes, the npc's are still rude after you power fist a super mutant into pulp? Yeah right...


Thank Goodness for Modders!


Oh yeah, what happened to all of the tanks, and other military, armoured, equipment? As for the 1950's theme.. I think that Bethesda needed to have updated that a bit. A little out of the box while still honoring the Fallout traditions.



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Oh yeah, what happened to all of the tanks, and other military, armoured, equipment?

Tanks run on oil, oil has run out. Power Armour>Tanks. Makes your 4 man crew 4 smaller, walking tanks instead. Basically Power armour killed everything except trucks (which were abandoned ad went the same way as cars) and Vertibirds whic were taken by the Enclave.

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That and tanks are used mainly in the front lines, where the armies are actually fighting, where as the area around DC and most of america was just nuked by air.


Granted that does answer why there aren't any in the ancorage sim.



The biggest one for me really is why is there anything left of DC? Being the capital it would have been a major target and after a few ICBMs it would be a few craters, a lot of rubble and a few standing walls.



Other ones are thing like Where do the "squirrel bits" and "iguana on a stick" come from? you could get away with it in the original fallout as you never actively wandered through the wastes, however as you do in FO3 how come I've never seen a Squirrel or Iguana on my travels?


As to a lot of the other points raised the answer is simple, it's a game.

Although some of the decisions made by Bethesda are a bit odd to my mind (like removeing weight from ammo, caps, stimpaks and such) and do seem to come from the general dumbing down that's going on in the games industry atm.

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Everything ain't explained, I like to think at some part of the production someone said in painful detail how you needed atleast 1 Fission Battery to power up a computer there then sort out wires and faulty things with it and then hack it. Then someone else said that wont sell just make it simple damn you're stupid. Then the first guy cried a little inside while deleting 10+ pages of exhaustive explanations like that. Really, if it was like that you would've cursed at it for being overcomplex, if its not there you're cursing at it for not making any god damn sense. Maybe, just maaaybe the BOS found and replaced many of the power circuits in order to get electricity where needed, it'd make sense wouldn't it? I know I would like some lights in the nights in DC if I could.


Haven't read all pages, but heres whats annoying to me with Fallout 3 logic:


DLC; Point Lookout. Your only, only, reason to go to Point Lookout is because someone wants you to find her daughter. What? Couldn't you at the very least take the "Hey man you've done enough stuff now. Take a well deserved break; I hear Point Lookout is good this time of the year, according to Tobar, anyway." If any of you have played Point Lookout you know it'd be better if you were told it was a great place only to come there to see the "fine motel with soft matresses" is taken directly out of your deepest nightmares. Then once you're there Tobar says he aint leaving 'till hes got his Punga Fruits and you've already paid for the ticket so you're stuck here. That sounds better then "Hm, a boat... Hm, a woman asking me to travel for a friggin month with a creepy guy to find her daughter and to find the secret to the "Oh this fruit gives -1 rad and +10 health I must find out where it is coming from!". I don't think anyone would do that. And Tobar just screams of the lying male without a father who would say something like "Hey come with me to the great lands of Point Lookout it'd be great, no threats or anythin' just cash up the 400caps now."


DLC; Operation Anchorage. ...No, that was pretty good actually.


I like how most of us spendt a ton of time with Moira, come to know her as the weird awkward woman and how annoying her bodyguard is and then the Wasteland guru quest was finished and you never ever talk to her again.


For that matter, after about half finished with the MQ (or game overall) Megaton or Tenpenny offers nothing new. No new dialogue, just the same old "How was this place buildt?" No "Hey I heard you did that and that, great stuff man!" They don't even care that Lucas Simms died or Nathan got abducted by the Enclave. Damn thats dumb. Can't complain though it'd take years to ma- No wait it'd not really take all that long to code that, would it.


Why on earth would I drink from the toilet? Why?! Why's there a trap that electrocutes you if you drink from the toilet!? Someone must've thought to themselves that theres alot of people drinking from toilets so they went ahead and made a trap for it. Seriously, just think about that...


Reading the same book about Nikola Tesla makes you a master Energy Weapon user even if you never wielded an energy weapon.


Why o' why was all the doors boarded up in DC? That hurt me so bad.


Hm, biggest point would be the Point Lookout reason. I am in no means angry or ranting, just thinking of stuff that doesnt make any sense to me. 'Twas fun.


EDIT; Hahha, read the thread now, most of the things that doesnt make any sense can be explained by a "Shush you! It looks awesome!"


Other ones are thing like Where do the "squirrel bits" and "iguana on a stick" come from? you could get away with it in the original fallout as you never actively wandered through the wastes, however as you do in FO3 how come I've never seen a Squirrel or Iguana on my travels?


No! Don't! Stop right there! That is one question you do not want to find the answer to! Mega über spoiler alert in link and following comment;


On that note, I can't believe Beth went ahead and called it Strange Meat, I immediatly drew that conclusion it was probably human meat :dry:


I even got a mind---- from it by reading about the Fallout 1 lore, it would've been so good if they just redid it!

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That was only the iguana bob ones that where fake, the item had a different image, using square chunks of meat, rather than a whole lizard on a skewer wich the real iguna on a stick was




in fo3 they went for the full lizard


so it's not fake iguana


however the squirrel bits . . .


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I agree, they should have made it like morrowind where if you kill someone important, it will tell you that you need to restore a saved game cause the character is essential to a chain of events of importance.


Little lamplight is a mystery for sure, as if the story writers forgot to add some backup to where the children come from, cause Little lamplight would eventually be empty.


The kids who live in little lamplight in the modern age of Fallout 3, originally arrived from their ancestors who visited the caves in 2077 on a field trip the day the bombs fell. All the growups left to go find help and never came back, so they all died. Most of the kids didn't make it, but a few survived after eating mushrooms off the walls that grow in the caves. Proof of all this came be found by finding holotapes all around little lamplight, and talking to Eclair about how they manage to get food. Now, how children arrive from generation to generation is easy, they simply reproduce or find new children out in the wastes before they have to pack up and leave when they grow up.

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Yeah, but how come their population doesn't dwindle over time? Where do the Children come from? 200 years would cut down their numbers some...


Well you've got the food, you've got the water and presumably the radaways, and the kids who are willing to have sex. I understand what you mean, why didn't their populations drop from disease, or radiation, or by leaving, then again, everyone in the wasteland follows the same rules besides the leaving for the most part, so who knows?


(On topic.)The only things I don't quite understand is how the G.E.C.K purified the water. I mean it calapses matter to recreate life but does only that, create life, so how does this clear out radiation from water? And what about Autumn in the room with your father. Sure your Dad dies instantly AFTER Autumn goes down, yet when the Enclave presumably and somehow get him out of the room without dying themselves, he survives radiation posioning after being exposed way more than James.

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