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Things that dont make sence FO3 version


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(On topic.)The only things I don't quite understand is how the G.E.C.K purified the water. I mean it calapses matter to recreate life but does only that, create life, so how does this clear out radiation from water? And what about Autumn in the room with your father. Sure your Dad dies instantly AFTER Autumn goes down, yet when the Enclave presumably and somehow get him out of the room without dying themselves, he survives radiation posioning after being exposed way more than James.



They take it apart and cannibalise the bits they want.



He jabs some crazy stuff in his arm just before he falls, Uber Enclave Radx/Radaway? Also, the radiation in the chamber dissipates, so he's only got to last a few minutes before it's safe for soldiers in APA (with the extra rad resistance...) to go in and ge him out. Then fill that b******d full of radaway like there's no tomorrow.

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He jabs some crazy stuff in his arm just before he falls, Uber Enclave Radx/Radaway? Also, the radiation in the chamber dissipates, so he's only got to last a few minutes before it's safe for soldiers in APA (with the extra rad resistance...) to go in and ge him out. Then fill that b******d full of radaway like there's no tomorrow.


If the radiation dissipates, why is the room lethally irradiated when you need to start the purifier at the end of the MQ? Did Liberty Prime bomb something he wasn't supposed to?


And if the Enclave have such powerful Rad removers, why don't they go fetch the GECK themselves; are they just lazy? They're taking quite a risk, because if I die, it'll take them a lot longer to figure out the code to start the Purifier -look at all the permutations of a three digit code. That's not very sound policy.


And as a side note; why do all the wasteland yobbo's think they're so tough? Col. Autumn, Evan King, Jericho, Moriarty, Lucas Simms -even that dweeb Tenpenny. And that security guy at Canterbury Commons, Dom Something. I only wish there were facial animations that would show their bewilderment when I level my Desert Eagle at them.


I guess the gene pool seriously deteriorated when the bombs fell in 2077; Fallout probably fried a lot of human DNA, making people brawnier, but definitely not branier. Even Moira Brown -quite a smartas*- has some sociopathic traits. Those big green mothers with the overdeveloped musculature are SuperMutants; guess that makes most Wastelanders simply mutants. Physically they appear to be normal human beings, but their minds are all shot to pieces. Or is that 200 years of survival filtering into society?


Bottomline: they made a game that's nice to look at, but they dropped the ball on a lot that does not involve shooting stuff.

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And as a side note; why do all the wasteland yobbo's think they're so tough?


Either play tough or die?


Another problem arises, if they weren't all thinking they where tough you'd question that too; "Why aren't there anyone who thinks they're tough in a world where you have to be tough to survive?"


Tenpenny got these "connections" that may or may not excist at all, also he's suppousedly rich too, that oughta give any man some thoughts of toughness.


That Dom guy basically have to protect an entire town, he better think he's tough for the sake of the others.


But yeah, the LW can just barch right in to whatever fort of Enclave there is out there and kill everyone because he holds the key to ultimate survival, the legendary Quicksave Button!


Wait, most real life people who think they're tough immediatly depletes all toughness when an desert eagle is being fired at them, dont they?


It's all psychological really and who knows after 200 years of survival by gun.


The Little Lamplight riddle, I like to think that whoevers out there that gets pregnant won't want their child to grow up in the wasteland, think of the raiders who gets pregnant from... whatever, I can see them thinking they won't let their kids grow up into the life of a raider so they leave them outside Little Lamplight. Wouldn't you? They do know of the place since the kids there speak of shooting raiders. That'd also explain the lack of kids in raider settlements. Wouldn't that add to the immersive environment of the game though? You just killed a bunch of pesky raiders and discover one of the raiders had a kid in one of the houses. That'd make for some pretty savage choices to for you to make.

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If the radiation dissipates, why is the room lethally irradiated when you need to start the purifier at the end of the MQ? Did Liberty Prime bomb something he wasn't supposed to?

Yes, or someone hit something they weren't supposed to and screwed the whole place up. It's in the radio dialogue between Sarah Lyons and Dr Li just before you discuss who's going in.


And if the Enclave have such powerful Rad removers, why don't they go fetch the GECK themselves; are they just lazy? They're taking quite a risk, because if I die, it'll take them a lot longer to figure out the code to start the Purifier -look at all the permutations of a three digit code. That's not very sound policy.

Short-term mid-level exposure (there's onyl a max of like 10 rads in that chamber, tcl in there and see) is way different to the tons of radiation round the jammed entrance to Vault 87 - guess they don't know of little lamplight - and the ridiculous FEV chamber. Maybe they were already there to get it and you bumped into them on your way out?

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Well you've got the food, you've got the water and presumably the radaways, and the kids who are willing to have sex.


They get kicked out at sixteen. Assuming an even ratio of men to women, every girl has to pump out two viable children before she turns sixteen, just to keep the population stable, and the good breeders will have to make up the balance for all the girls who die in childbirth, miscarry, fail to be impregnated, or produce sickly soon-to-be-dead infants. Don't forget that it's been a closed community for two-hundred years, they're now all closely interrelated and all sexual couplings would be heavily incestious, adding more complications to the health and fertilty of any offspring they produce. Now add in the female non-birthing fatality rates from slaver/mutant depridation, accidents and illness. The average girl who survives to puberty and is capable of bearing offspring would now be expected to make upwards of a dozen viable babies before she hits sixteen. Sound possible? They could start breeding the second they hit puberty, sure, but if they're younger than thirteen or fourteen the chances of those kids (or the mother) surviving are close to nil, even without factoring in the hygeinic conditions of lamplight and the average competancy of uneducated 9-year old brats as ob/gyns (that is to say ; not very competant).


Also, something important we forgot ; they're all stupid useless kids who don't know anything, and would have died within two days of being left without adult supervision, because they're all stupid useless kids who don't know anything.

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On all my playthroughs of fallout 3 nothing annoys me more than Little Lamplight. Those brats have the audacity to talk back to a power armored tank with a minigun! :confused: Bethesda should have had the option to allow children to die. I mean seriously Mayor Macreedy the way he talks to you he is just asking to be shot.
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On all my playthroughs of fallout 3 nothing annoys me more than Little Lamplight. Those brats have the audacity to talk back to a power armored tank with a minigun! :confused: Bethesda should have had the option to allow children to die. I mean seriously Mayor Macreedy the way he talks to you he is just asking to be shot.


The Killable Children mod will take care of those -http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=376


The only problem is that you first have to get into Little Lamplight, before you can start blasting away.

I tried to make a mod once that would allow the player to Override the Lamplight Gate. I installed a terminal that would only be accessible, when the Lamplight faction would become hostile. Since you can't draw a weapon until your through the gate, I had to override that too.

Basically you shoot MacReady, the faction turns hostile and you use the override to open the gate. Sometimes they open the gate themselves and send the dogs out.



And everyone is dying to get me to help them, but they treat me like cr*p all the same; there's a mod for that too -and it has saved many Wastelanders from getting obliterated.



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Killable children I will definatly have to check that out. However the wasteland soon may be nothing but raiders and super mutants. It will be a true survival of the fittest! The rivers and sand will flow with the blood of all who oppose the lone wanderer. :whistling:
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Well you've got the food, you've got the water and presumably the radaways, and the kids who are willing to have sex.


They get kicked out at sixteen. Assuming an even ratio of men to women, every girl has to pump out two viable children before she turns sixteen, just to keep the population stable, and the good breeders will have to make up the balance for all the girls who die in childbirth, miscarry, fail to be impregnated, or produce sickly soon-to-be-dead infants. Don't forget that it's been a closed community for two-hundred years, they're now all closely interrelated and all sexual couplings would be heavily incestious, adding more complications to the health and fertilty of any offspring they produce. Now add in the female non-birthing fatality rates from slaver/mutant depridation, accidents and illness. The average girl who survives to puberty and is capable of bearing offspring would now be expected to make upwards of a dozen viable babies before she hits sixteen. Sound possible? They could start breeding the second they hit puberty, sure, but if they're younger than thirteen or fourteen the chances of those kids (or the mother) surviving are close to nil, even without factoring in the hygeinic conditions of lamplight and the average competancy of uneducated 9-year old brats as ob/gyns (that is to say ; not very competant).

so is most of the 3rd world and that doesn't stop populations increasing.

Having children at 12 to 13 years old baring children is not uncommon, just in our (developed world) current society, go back 400 years and the average age for marriage (for women) in europe was below 19 and very rare to be over the age of 24 and unmarried.


However yes it's pushing it esp with infant mortality rates which would be high.

But then again how do we know this isn't what's happening? I don't remember there being any mention of how many children there where at the start, there could of easily of been well over 100 kids to start with so they've lost 80-90% of the population, or when the "big town" thing started, it could of been that they didn't kick 16year olds out at first.


When you realise at the start you could of had 100+ kids all within 4 or 5 years of age, you would have got waves and gaps in the birth rate, so it could of been as little as 50years ago that a group of stroppy teens got fed up with the little kids and decided to brave the wastes to go and setup their own "big town" and that quickly became the "rules" for the remaining children.


Yes lamplight streches the suspension of disbelief, but never quite broke it for me, yes you cannot kill children, the reason there is simply rateing and censorship rules.


Actually the unkillable thing bothered me less on children than on your dad, after saving his ass from the simulation and then chasing him all the way across the wastelands back to rivet city, he then gives me the briefest of chats, not answering any things I really want to know then insists I trappse over to the monument to finish his and mothers great work (although we really only have his word for it, after we discover he's been lying to us for all our life)

"We should do it for her and her memory, it's what she always dreamed of." says the man who's lied to us since our birth and then bugged off with out bothering to consider the damage in his wake which we end up stuck with, without any real explaination as to why and to top it off we only really learn about the project (and how important it is) through the notes and voice files he leaves scattered through out the waste land like a pathalogical litterbug with the memory of a goldfish.


After the dissapointly short conversation I used up every 308 round, grenade, mine and missile I had on me and all I could achieve was to knock him back back down the lab stairs.


a mod that lets you put a bullet through his head or at least nail his feet to the floor with thee railway rifle and save everyone a heck of a lot of agro in the long run would be so nice.

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Killing your dad could be satisfiying for a character who feels betrayed by the wasteland and him. However being able to implement it might be difficult as the game is probally structred around him living until a certain point.
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