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So many versions of the mods


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I lost my topic when the server went down this morning, so im reposting this.


There are many different versions of each mod. Midas magic for instance has a whole list. The newest says it's the current beta (i think i was told it may have many bugs since its a beta and that i should probably get the moer recent stable version.


The utility OBMM had a few things as well. I assumed I'd need the full installer and full manual?


I'll probably have questions about which versions to get and what certain abriviations mean but these should do for the time being.

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I had tried the Nicoroshi Creations. So far that looks like one of the coolest. The read me said to copy the data folder that comes with the mod, into my oblivion data folder. That didnt do anything so i went into the folder and copied the light armor file into my oblivion data folder. The read me also said to answer Yes to all, when im asked if i want to overwrite files. I was never asked that. (was this because i didnt have any mods by nicoroshi to replace?) I checked the box to use the mod and that gave access to the quest info and everything but when i went to the location in on the map, there was a big 3D exclamation point. I know i did something wrong...I just cant figure out what lol


With the stable version of midas magic, it says to patch it. The correct patch is the patch for too many summons? Im assuming theres no patch B or anything for that version? I'm being extra causious so i dont have to start from scratch again.


I got OBMM. I just got the full installer. it seemed thats all i'd need. Do i still put the mods into my oblivion data folder? or do i now have to put them into the mod manager some how?

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Sorry about double posting. I wasnted to add some more things.




I asked about this a number of days ago and was told that they are bra/underware versions for everything here. To make things simpler, I have no issue with the vanille bodies. Can I get to keep the bodies the way they originally were? I'm just looking for new hair/eyes/a bit less ugly faces. If i deactivate a mod with a character whos been created with mods, i cant use the character if i deactate or need to delete the mod can I?...or for that matter, can i use saves if any game altering mods must be turned off? I always back up my saves, but this is good to know.

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first do not unzip the file,or rezip if you have made option choises for a mod with options then do this!


ok,click create omod,add the mod name and author where indicated.

then click add archive,the mod will then be broken down automatically.When its ready you'll see some writing in the big box under file path

Then click create omod,answer yes and omod will be created.

you'll get a green square in your mod list,click on it and then click activate!

all done! mod is now active

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I was asking how to get new face party and (races would be nice but not needed) with out changing the bodies from vanilla oblivion at all, if thats possible. how to get nicoroshi creations to work and if i got the right patch thing for the midas magic version i got. I also needed to know if i should bother getting the OBMM manual because nothing ive read said specifically what it does. OBMM comes with directions already....so i wasnt sure
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