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Withering Rate of Fire: A Perk Mod


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I'm currently playing a minigun-oriented character in New Vegas. I picked up the CZ57 Avenger from that crater near Bitter Springs,and had a good ol' time chewing up Cazadores and muties in Bullet Time. However,the biggest threats of the Mojave,to me,are Deathclaws,members of the BoS,NCR and Legion troops,and other armoured targets. I feed my beast with 5mm AP,and that simply doesn't cut it. The CZ57 may shoot at 1,800 rounds per minute,but that doesn't matter when it's at 13 damage a round,and I'm getting slaughtered when more than three targets are in play.


So,I've taken it upon myself to make a mod to address this issue. Weapons with a withering rate of fire should have more to them than their staggering ammunition consumption. My solution is to take the And Stay Back! perk,and modify it to suit miniguns and other high rate of fire ballistics. I will be making this mod myself. I simply posted the thread here to get help when I need it,and to get feedback as I work. The goal is twofold. First,to make a perk that makes high RoF weapons with low damage useful against large numbers of targets,and second to keep it balanced.


I'll be playtesting the mod myself,starting at a 5% chance. I'll be needing names for the perk. I have five candidates so far,but any better suggestions are appreciated. If you suggest a name,please provide a description for the perk,as well as a description of the image for it on the Perk Menu.


Weapons considered to have a "Withering rate of fire" have a minimum RPM of 800.




-Weight of Fire


[The Vault Boy holding a minigun,firing,with another Vault Boy hitting the deck]


Make them keep their heads down! With this perk,you've learned how to keep your foes suppressed under the sheer weight of fire from your mighty weapons! Any ballistic weapon with a withering rate of fire you use has a X% chance to bowl your targets over,per bullet!


-Heavy Metal


[Vault Boy,in a Great Khans outfit,rocking out on a minigun]


All hail the Gods of Metal! And your tribute will be lead! While using ballistic arms with a withering rate of fire,your targets have a X% chance to be thrown prostrate before the Gods of Metal!


-Rain of Steel


[Vault Boy,with an umbrella,walking along,with a metal object,probably an anvil,coming down]


Make it RAIN! Miniguns,machine guns,if it puts a whole mess of lead downrange in a second,you love it! And you know how to use it. With this perk,you have a X% chance,per bullet,to knock your targets off their feet.


-Lead Phalanx


[Vault Boy,hunkered down behind sandbags,with a minigun turret]


None shall pass! You've mastered the technique of stopping your enemies dead with ballistic arms that fire more lead in a minute than the Mojave has people,and enjoy a X% chance per round to make your targets take a tumble.


-Ballistic Blowback


[Effectively,And Stay Back!'s image,just replacing the riot shotgun with a minigun.]


When you throw as much lead downrange as you do,it takes a tremendous force of will to keep your feet under you when you take on that much weight in lead. When using high rate of fire ballistics,such as miniguns,you have a X% chance to blow your target off their feet,per round that hits. Ain't life grand?




If anyone is willing to help,that's grand! 'Cause I'll need it. I'll swing by to ask for it when I need it. In the meantime,I'll work it out myself when I can. If this is the wrong section,my mistake. It seemed most appropriate,in my head.

Edited by Moldy
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And after less than a day's work,after a day's worth of trying to figure things out,I have something fully functional. 5% is a happy number,at least for the CZ57 Avenger. Now I'm making compatibility patches for Gun Runner's Arsenal,Lonesome Road,and Project Nevada,since from all of the weapons I use,those are the only sources from which weapons exist with a rate of fire equal to or greater than 800 RPM. For the interested,the weapons effected are as follows...


-Minigun (New Vegas) - 1,200 RPM

-CZ57 Avenger (New Vegas) - 1,800 RPM

-H&H Tools Nail Gun (Lonesome Road) - 840 RPM

-The Bozar (Gun Runner's Arsenal) - 900 RPM

-5mm SMG (Project Nevada) - 900 RPM

-Gauss Minigun (Project Nevada) - 938 RPM


However,what I need now is an image. I'm using a placeholder for the moment,but I refuse to release without a proper image. I've decided to go with Heavy Metal for the perk's name and description. To any artists who see this,and are willing to work for free,and know how to make it properly for use in the game,the image I'd like for this would be to depict The Vault Boy rocking out on a minigun. That is all. Upon completion,PM it to me. You WILL be credited for your contribution.

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They were different concepts for the name and description,for the same perk. I have something functional,now. All I need is an image,described above. I originally listed them all here for people to provide their input. In the end,I outsourced that particular item elsewhere,and ended up with Heavy Metal

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Ohhhhh right, geez I didn't read your original post properly ><


For some reason when I saw the description of the Vault Boy image for Heavy metal, along with the description of the perk itself, the Slayer perk icon comes to mind...

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