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Mothership Zeta - Mobile Homeing Beacon


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I dont know what happened to the last topic I made but I was wondering if soeone could make a mobile homeing beacong you could drop from your pipboy. Then activate it while standing up, and take it when crouching. When you drop the beacon you can activate it. When you do, it takes you to the ship. Then you use the teleporter to go back to where you dropped the beacon. Then you can pick it up and go!


If anyone can do that I know they would get alot of buzz for making it. Im sure everyone would download this. Thanks

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Ehhhhhh please someone needs to make this


There's this big button called SEARCH. It's very aptly named. Have you used it ? :confused:


The GECK makes this so easy that the sheer amount of variations on this concept is borderline retarded. Not to mention useless...


Simplest way is:

- drop a random item from your inventory

- open console and click the item, note it's RefID

- "coc DLC05Bridge" (or whatever)

- "Player.MoveTo [RefID]" to get back


You can also save these actions as a script in your FO3 root dir.



But if you really want a mod, "Mark and Recall" (http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=2834) is probably the most versatile solution.

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