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What about a Sniper Rifle like the USMC M40A3


or the Tango 51


I think both of them look really cool and I definitely miss one cool repetition Sniper Rifle.

Anyone here good at modeling and/or texturing?

I could try to do all the stats stuff, altough this would be the first time to do a completely new Rifle...


So what do you guys think? :smile:

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You might try searching for sniper rifles, someone might've made it or something similar

I have.

Loooong time :D

The only thing that looks a bit like it is the valhalla rifle, but well....it looks cool, but it´s not the same :D


What exactly do you mean by fixing my pictures? Posting some more pictures of the M40?

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it might not be the exact same thing but I've used a rifle that looked nearly identical to this when running FOOK, I believe the rifle was labeled the "SK 40-something-or-other" (I can't remember all the names of these things) but it looked exactly the same as the first pic minus the bi-pod.
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