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Wrye Bash Import


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This is definitely an overwhelming process for a mod noob like me, but I think I have FCOM and a large portion of POOP all working together. I re-installed Oblivion around a week ago and still haven't even started playing yet, just trying to figure out and install these amazing mods! :P


Anyway, Wrye Bash is the piece I have the least understanding on, and I'm trying to figure out what options are supposed to be checked when you rebuild the patch, specifically, under the different Import groups? How do you know when to check or leave these unchecked? I've seen some posts that say check everything, others list individual items to check but not others. :wallbash:


Could anyone help clarify this for me?



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As a bump, I'd like to add one more thing... Is it a good idea to bash every item listed in the BOSSlog? Are there pros and cons to not doing this for every item? (I know there are some specific cases where it's required that you deactivate a given mod and then bash it in the patch, but those seem to be few...)


Any help would be greatly appreciated. :)

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