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Fire. Frost. Shock... and Sun. I've been wondering if there's any mods that allow spells, and enchanted weapons to do sun damage? It's a factor that effects vampires, and wearing a certain piece of equipment can effect you adversely under certain conditions because of sun damage. So, If I had, say, a weapon that dealt sun damage on strike, i think it would become the end of many a vampire. I dunno, just wondering if anyone's toyed with the idea of a sun damage weapon or spell.



NO! Not the Sword of Light, IT BUUUURRRRNNNNNSSSS!!!!!!!

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In terms of gameplay isn't sun damage just like a damage health effect that only takes effect in the sun?

It's a different effect, with a different shader, but yeah, technically.


The real problem with any sort of spell which makes use of such effect is that the damage would only occur if the target happened to be outside, during the day, and the weather is clear. Otherwise the effect would be practically useless, even from a novelty standpoint since the effect wouldn't end up doing much. As 80-90% of meaningful fights occur inside caves, ruins, or similar, there would be very few worthwhile applications.


It would also apply to things other than vampires, which kinda ruins the uniqueness of them.

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In terms of gameplay isn't sun damage just like a damage health effect that only takes effect in the sun?

It's a different effect, with a different shader, but yeah, technically.


The real problem with any sort of spell which makes use of such effect is that the damage would only occur if the target happened to be outside, during the day, and the weather is clear. Otherwise the effect would be practically useless, even from a novelty standpoint since the effect wouldn't end up doing much. As 80-90% of meaningful fights occur inside caves, ruins, or similar, there would be very few worthwhile applications.


It would also apply to things other than vampires, which kinda ruins the uniqueness of them.

Yeah, the idea is pure novelty. Just been wondering.

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