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Weapons Over Back


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Would it be at all possible to create a mod that allows for another weapon slung over your back? Basically, you select the 'backpack', then click on a weapon in your inventory. The weapon's model then appears on your back, regardless of what you have equipped as a primary. It seems like it'd be rather simple to implement, actually.


And a few potential additions -


1) The ability to do the same with pistols (as so to appear that your character has a sidearm holstered)

2) The weapon model slung at a perpendicular angle (so that you could still holster a rifle without the two appearing to merge into one; e.g. a missile launcher over the back, the exhaust appears over the left shoulder instead of the right)

3) When you draw the weapon slung over your back, the mod automatically replaces its model with the weapon you just put away (potentially a bit harder to implement than the rest)


It'd be great for role-playing, and for general aesthetics as well. Really, though, the first one up top is all that I'd ever really ask for.


Comments, thoughts, and most of all, any takers?


- MarchUntoTorment


P.S. My deepest apologies if a mod such as this already exists - and if it does, someone please link it!

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Display Weapons in Inventory Alpha








I havn't had time to work on it yet, but the position for any rifle across the back would use the same cordinates with only minor tweaking. So long story short a lot of weapons; rifles, shotguns, assault rifles, lever action rifles, some melee weapons like a katana, etc could be made up quickly.


I'll have to find new coordinates for left hip, boot, etc. Those can easily take a whole night to get right for each new spot.


But yeah, havn't had time to expand it yet (or much of any modding).


EDIT: ooops put up a better pic

Edited by devinpatterson
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Oh my God you are amazing. Seriously, that's awesome.


Would it be easily possible to change this to use PN's Rail Cannon model? For reference, if you're not aware, it uses the exact same positioning and animations as the vanilla Tesla Cannon. According to what I'm thinking, it should work fine with the Brush Gun's positioning, although I might be wrong about that.


EDIT: Also, doesn't the AMR use identical positioning to the Brush Gun? What about over-the-back melee weapons? Sorry, there's a cast photo I want to do for a Fallout fanfic I'm writing and those weapons over back would help the look of it a lot.

Edited by MarchUntoTorment
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Would it be easily possible to change this to use PN's Rail Cannon model? For reference, if you're not aware, it uses the exact same positioning and animations as the vanilla Tesla Cannon. According to what I'm thinking, it should work fine with the Brush Gun's positioning, although I might be wrong about that.

Unfortunately I can't modify another authors mod without their permission. You might try emailing them and seeing if they'd be OK with it. I'll fire up NV and see where it's normally "holstered" (didn't see any pics on google images that would help).


EDIT: Also, doesn't the AMR use identical positioning to the Brush Gun? What about over-the-back melee weapons? Sorry, there's a cast photo I want to do for a Fallout fanfic I'm writing and those weapons over back would help the look of it a lot.

I'll take a look. Except for that gun (which is still on the cowboy perk list) and YCS/186 I only use a cowboy load out, for my weapons. But really anything that can go in that position should be fine. It doesn't really depend on the weapon models per se, it can be a rifle, katana, etc. But obviously small arms will have to have a new position. And anything that is katana sized or smaller should probably be on the hip anyway since we have a limited number of body slots.

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In case I didn't say it earlier - thank you so much for your interest in this!


Anyway, I sent a PM to the uploader of Project Nevada (couldn't find a better contact email for them), but from what I saw of their Modder's Guide, they appear to have little problem with people using their work as a basis for future mods. I'll leave the decision up to your discretion, however, since you've obviously been on this site far longer than I have.


(And don't worry about the katana thing - the katana in question is probably almost as tall as a person. It's the two-hander from the AE-86 Beam Katana mod, if you're curious. It really couldn't be put on the hip without about half of it clipping into the ground.)


Anyway, any luck with finding out where the Rail Cannon/Tesla Cannon is holstered?

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In case I didn't say it earlier - thank you so much for your interest in this!

No problem MarchUntoTorment, I'v always thought it would be a fun mod to make, just short on time and working on too many projects. But I'v always thought it would really add to have our players bristling with weapons.


Anyway, I sent a PM to the uploader of Project Nevada (couldn't find a better contact email for them), but from what I saw of their Modder's Guide, they appear to have little problem with people using their work as a basis for future mods. I'll leave the decision up to your discretion, however, since you've obviously been on this site far longer than I have.

Yeah I really need explicit permission directly from them or in their permissions tab/description of the mod.


(And don't worry about the katana thing - the katana in question is probably almost as tall as a person. It's the two-hander from the AE-86 Beam Katana mod, if you're curious. It really couldn't be put on the hip without about half of it clipping into the ground.)

Yeah if it's big, as in odachi/daito/daikatana big then using the brushgun coordinates would be the way to go. Unfortunately, being a user created mod, I'd have to have permission to create it form the author.



Anyway, any luck with finding out where the Rail Cannon/Tesla Cannon is holstered?

Yeah it's same orientation as the brush gun (although of course, much larger). Pic;








So I suspect it would be easy to convert over if you want it.

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I've yet to hear back from the PN authors, so if anyone knows where to go about finding someone other than the mod's direct uploader (do they have a contact email?), I'd greatly appreciate it.


Anyway, do you have any suggestions on how to swap the models out within your mod? I assume I'd be using the GECK to do so, but as I've said before, I lack any experience with modding. A short guide on how to do so would be greatly appreciated, although only if you have time, of course.

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Anyway, do you have any suggestions on how to swap the models out within your mod? I assume I'd be using the GECK to do so, but as I've said before, I lack any experience with modding. A short guide on how to do so would be greatly appreciated, although only if you have time, of course.


They aren't really swapped out (or at least I wouldn't recommend doing them that way, and it's not the way I do them), but rather the go model is rigged as a piece of armor in blender (although that step could probably be done in nifskope as well, just by making it a child of a bone) and the coordinates applied in nifskope to give them the right position.


I understand where you'r coming from and that you'd like to include those two models in your own game exclusively. You can use the script with some minor edits. And the coordinates are roughly the same (might need to bring it out a bit on the y axis if the weapons are much thicker than a brushgun or if you wear heavy armor). But the process isn't something I'd want to write up since it's not really very straight forward if your staring from square one (you'd have to be fairly familiar with both nifskope and blender). Being able to swap them out in nifskope would really be the same knowledge, essentially, as making a new one. And swapping out a block in nifskope isn't very straight forward if you havn't done it before.


But like I had mentioned previously I could do the Tesla cannon (or it's variant) for you, since it's model is fair game. Although I can't promise I can re-create all the special effects (sometimes, well often, I have trouble linking up the blocks).

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