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Skyrim.esm Bandit with grey face


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Hello, I m having the good old grey face bug but I m having it on vanilla NPC's. So far I've only spotted the problem with vanilla Bandits. Their face is grey and nothing like the rest of the body's color.


I've tried to check the textures/actors/character/FaceGenData/FaceTint folder to see if I had any mod that was modifying my vanilla bandits appearance but I have none. From what I've read, if there was any modification there would be a folder there named Skyrim.esm.


I m trying all the immersive patrols, populated series, Sands of Time mods but they all have their facegen data for their NPC's and the ones that I'm finding are Vanilla ones modified by Skyrim.esm only ( i have a mod that details all the info when clicking on them through the console, can t remember the name).


I checked their ID's on TES5edit to see if anything was modifying them. For one of the grey headed bandits it was being modified by Sands of Time through a script since he spawned through that mod. The other one was a vanilla spawn at the bandit spot that has a carriage just behind Whiterun, not being modified at all.


Also, I m using Requiem, don t know if that could be the issue... I m out of ideas on how to spot the culprit for those grey faces...

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  • 5 years later...

having the same issue on my end, loot showing 0 dirty mods, bash patch done proper, tes5edit showing no conflicts as critical, and all ITM conflicts i overwrote unwanted with the wanted files and resolved, nothing bandit specific showin up so not too sure. all i know is even before i started modding a year or so ago, bandits would still get greyface.


wondering, would installing something like vitruvius skin textures fix the male end of the bug, and then bijin skin to fix the female end? halp?

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