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Is Azura Evil?


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I suppose it's a matter of perspective, really. The worshipers of particular Daedra wouldn't really see their patrons as evil, no matter how bad they got.


That said, I think she's a bit like Meridia in that she has good intentions for the most part. However, her methods can be just as brutal as her fellow Daedra, and her "mercies" can cause quite a bit of pain. I wouldn't say she was all bad, but I don't think she can be classified as entirely good either.


Remember that Azura cursed the whole Dunmer race for what their ancestors did by following the Tribunal.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Remember that Azura cursed the whole Dunmer race for what their ancestors did by following the Tribunal.


She actually cursed them for what the Tribunal did, not because their ancestors followed them. So yeah, she cursed an entire race for the actions of 3 of its leaders.


That said, none of the Daedra are evil. They fall on the Blue-Orange morality scale, and are totally above the concepts of good and evil. Dagon may seem evil to mortals, but you can't objectively judge him because he IS destruction. He can do nothing else, he can think nothing else, he IS nothing else.


Azura may be selfish, judgmental and over-bearing, but shes not evil. None of the Daedra are.

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^This. Simply put, the Daedric lords are so much above humans that to judge them via human morality is wrong. A human calling Dagon evil because he destroys is the same as a cockroach calling humans evil because they kill all roaches they encounter. None of the daedra are evil. They are basically sentient forces of the TES universe.

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I personally find her a bit self serving, but flexible and not entirely wrathful. Remember "Azura & the Box", Azura was embarrassed in front of a whole room full of people, she could of killed the person responsible immediately, but instead (At least according to the main In game source) she just teleported out.

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It is a matter of perspective entirely, and as someone said, it is difficult to make such an opinion based on mortal morale and whatnot. You can try, but it is indeed hard.


The way I see it, gods, be it IRL myths or actual beings in written works or games, almost always exist to fulfill a purpose or niche in the ebb and flow of the universe's river of life. Some effect life and death, some how much mortals fight, how mortals may perceive fellow mortals, to lord over souls in the afterlife, etc etc. It's all... very, very mind boggling and hard on the mind.

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What amuses me is that, when superior beings that are "above good and evil" basically act like evil characters (destroy, kill, corrupt etc), many fans justify them by saying they are "outside any morality" and therefore are mysterious, complicated and interesting characters. When they act like "good guys" instead, then people say they are "boring" and "primitive" characters.

Edited by Dwalin2012
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Superior beings are above good and evil, but they are either beneficial or maleficent characters. Dagon is maleficent, while Meridia is beneficial, for example. Meridia IMO can be considered a "good guy" since all she basically wants is eradication of undead. I don't find her boring or primitive.

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Superior beings are above good and evil, but they are either beneficial or maleficent characters. Dagon is maleficent, while Meridia is beneficial, for example. Meridia IMO can be considered a "good guy" since all she basically wants is eradication of undead. I don't find her boring or primitive.


But didn't Meridia have something to do with the massacre in the Anvil chapel in Oblivion and other things that Umaril did? The Prophet says she was his superior or something like that (correct me if I am wrong). Did he report to her or did he act on his own?

Edited by Dwalin2012
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