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Rainbow six lockdown. SPC, Help.


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So I have been to my local mall and I saw a bunch of games piled up chaotically with a sign above reading 'games for 5 euros) so I bought 2 games by Ubisoft that really disapoited me, namely dark messiah and rainbow six lockdown, for dark messiah it still aint a big problem because it will work fine on my main pc when I fix it, I bought lockdown for my notebook, and as soon as I installed I had to activate it online because of some poo program, then I go to activate and my wifi conection breaks up just when it started, I try again and they are like, sorry this has been already activated (doomed) and I tried everything, if anyone could point me to some solution? I tried contact ubisoft but it's been a week since I contacted them and still nothing, I will post a photo of myself with the game in it's retail box along with the CD and manual, also if required the check and the barcode. I HOPE I DON'T GET BANNED FOR THIS, I IN NO WAY ATTEMPT PIRACY OR ANYTHING, I OWN THE GAME LEGALLY, BUT THE ACTIVATION PROGRAM HAS MADE IT UNPLAYABLE, I AM NOT DOING ANYTHING ILLEGAL BECAUSE I OWN THE RETAIL GAME, INCASE THIS GETS OVERBOARD PLEASE DON'T BAN ME, I AM NOT ATTEMPTING PIRACY.
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