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New .45 pistol?


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Hell all,


I own a beautiful Springfield Arms XD .45 pistol. I'd *LOVE* to see it put in the game, along with the .45 caliber ammo.


It is similar to the Glock series in that the lower half is very light, but the upper half is heavier than the Glock. In my experience, I've found it to be more reliable than the Glock (fewer jams) and a lot easier to get target on sight after firing. It has a 13 round magazine, plus one in the pipe. Just my opinion, bu tit is the only gun I carry with me all the time. ( I have a concealed carry permit, and this is the gun I trust my families' life to.)


Anyway, if someone is willing to take this on, I'd be more than happy to take multiple photos and even videos of me firing it and send them to you. I'm by no means rich, but I might even be able to throw you a couple of bucks when you are done. (Or I can pay you in caps. :) )


I own several guns IRL, but this is by far my favorite, and the best pistol I've ever shot.


Get back to me if you are willing to take this project on. Thanks in advance for reading my post and considering it.

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