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Man of Steel Jor-El's robe armor


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Good morning,


Man of Steel is one of my favourite movies and while wandering in Skyrim I thought about some rp things, like some years after defeating Alduin and Miraak, when the Dovahkiin will settle down and get married, creating a wealthy family (like the Black-Briar and Silver-Blood) with all the money he gained.

Why not have a older looking and stylized armor with a family crest for his old days that even Taarie will get jealous of it.


And here comes Jor-El !


Without the blue clothes under the robe, this can be lore-friendly and can fit really well for a great Thu'um master, reminds me a bit of the Greybeards robe.








Is a modder interested in doing Jor-El's robe in Skyrim ?

Edited by Zayn968
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