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Two Requests


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Two requests to be made O.o sorry if I seem a bit needy.


1. Vash The Stampede's Revolver (AngelArm) as well as his brother Knive's revolver (DevilArm) and their gear such as Vash's red gunner coat, and Knive's white suit. I cannot make meshes/textures so... yeah. Even just providing me .nif's is good, I can attache them to a weapon myself and place it somewhere. But really this is one I have always wanted. I know there is one revolver for Vash made called AngelArm already, but it's textures/meshes and the way it reloads are messed up a small bit. (not to bash the mod or anything.)


2. This is a Point Lookout request. Point Lookout to me seemed a perfect palce for a zombie apocalypse styled thing such as seen in RE (Resident Evil) and maybe a mod could be made for this? I could spawn a bunch of feral ghoul's but that really doesn't cover much :unsure: so instead maybe re-do the mansion that was blown up? and make it darker/more evil looking. As well as a few other things, the reason I can't mess with buildings is.. I utterly fail at doing anything with cells/textures/meshes unless it's to do with a gun.nif or armor.nif piece and a few other items. But when it comes to landscapes/worldzones/scripts/buildings I fail. Very, very badly fail. So if anyone would make this one I would be REALLY happy. :biggrin:


I had actually been waiting a long while for someone to make a Trigun styled mod. But I see not many people think it a good mod for this game maybe? or maybe people don't know what it is. Though really if you could make it. I would love it. :thanks:


EDIT- I can upload some pic's that I found of Trigun/Resident Evil or even give some youtube links should anyone request them.

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