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A mod I'd seen.


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YouTubing, I saw a mod that made the Imperial City have water fountains and water falls. It looked cool, and after visiting the IC several times I figured a refreshing add-on would be good for a change of pace. Also for say... hypothetical RPing reasons, the water would be a gift from the Nine Divines as a symbol of healing after the Oblivion crisis ravaged Cyrodiil. I forgot what it was called and the video I saw it in, but I think it's here on TESNexus. I'll be looking around for it, but I'll leave it open for anyone who knows off the top of their head.
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Yup yup, it WAS the LtPD mod. It took some doing, but I have the whole mod running PERFECTLY. Behold teh powah of teh mind!!1! Ahem... The mod: TOTALLY WORTH THE TROUBLE IT TOOK TO GET WORKING. The added NPC: Someone's a fan of the morrowind dunmer voice. I haven't actually played morrowind...(*GASP!* FOR SHAME LYCAN!) But I know the dunmer sound WAY different in that. Now, I think there's something more to the option of throwing coins into the fountains than just it being novelty, but I could be wrong, and someone in the IC is getting very rich off of my discarded gold...
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