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radioactive tornadoes


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That would actually be very easy, but it would be the entire box this effect appears within which would have rads, and somethimes the box is pretty big. The problem is the little dust swirls are intermittant but the rads wouldnt be, so there would be just random rads all over the wastland what with swamps, puddles.


Saying that, maybe someone could make an NPC which emits rads and is a tornado, but maybe a larger one with swirlind dust around it, that could work and would look great!, give it a few set paths around the plains, dont let it go near water or it would then have to change model and effectively 'walk on water'. Possibly make it only aggressive towards the player and have the rads as a melee combat with good range, that way it wouldnt contribute to the deaths of traders etc. On the other hand, if it effected everybody you would see traders, raiders etc running from it, if they can be forces to avoid, otherwise they would fight it!

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