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Two Requests.


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Good evening,


I have a pair of requests, I'm fairly sure one exists but I'll be damned if I can find it. Anyway, to my requests.


1) Radio changer for jukeboxes / radios - This one always annoys me when you can only ever get either Enclave radio or the annoying berk who is Three Dog. I have a few radio stations installed now all of which I like better than the standard ones. I know its a little thing and I could just leave the pip-boy one on all the time but I'd just like the ability to pick my own radio station to play at my base/home.


2) I know I've seen this one, but I don't know where to find it. A mod that increases the value to allow more dropped shells on the floor. It's a bit odd to let rip with a mini gun and have a clean floor at the end. I want a load of empty shells.


So any ideas on if anyone has done or will do those two mods?




Sorry if asking where to find a mod is a bit cheeky.

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