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Issues with DarnIfied UI


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Hello! I'm experiencing a minor issue with DarnIfied UI. Everything works fine, save for the Items menu on the Pipboy. All of the text is the non-DarnIfied version, and is slightly lower than it should be. I assume this is due to the differences in size between it and the DarnIfied text. I'm not entirely sure what is causing the issue. I suspect it could be the Weapon Mod Menu that I have installed, but I am uncertain. Has anyone else encountered this problem? Does anyone have potential solutions? I've made sure to replace the in all three files specified. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and thank you even more if you can offer suggestions.

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Important files for menu/hud mods are loaded directly into folders and not through ESPs or ESMs; changing your load order will have no effect on them. Those files can only be installed/uninstalled.


If you're not already using the Unified Hud Project, you should install it because it fixes a lot of incompatibilities between hud mods.


You can also try uninstalling DarnUI and then reinstalling it, so that it overwrites whatever else is altering the menus, and then install Unified Hud last.


If either of those mods ask you overwrite files, select Yes to All.

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Thank you for your reply, but I've actually already managed to solve the issue! I've been using Nexus Mod Manager and Fallout Mod Manager, and I had The Weapon Mod Menu in the FOMM. Once I moved it over to the NMM and uninstalled and reinstalled DarnIfied UI, The Weapon Mod Menu, and uHud, everything worked great.

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