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I've searched high and low for any info regarding this issue, and all I've found thus far was the mod creator telling someone who reported this issue that he/she is wrong.


I love this mod, I love the spells and everything this mod brings, however when using Talon Strike dual casted, I only occasionally gain the double strike true damage.


Does anyone know of any fixes or....something I can do to fix this? To ensure that the true damage happens every time, like the spell is described to be doing.


Again, love the mod, love the work, it all goes so well with other mods I am using.


Any help would be appreciated!


(I hate to have to make a big ole' post about one single spell, a small part of a huge well done mod, but when the difference between an 1 hour dungeon clear, and a 3.5 hour clear, is a spell doing what it said it'll do; its a bit of a deal to me xD and I'm sure many others who end up using this spell the way I do; the way its supposed to be used)

Edited by xellototh1
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