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mod that makes it possible to play lan\co-op\online with obl


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i dont think a mod has the scope necessary to change and add functions for lan/co-op play to oblivion. mods are limited in what they can do, like i dont think they can open or read files on the disk for example. a mod being able to open ports and initiate tcp/ip network calls would be like asking to open a backdoor onto your computer system.


id wager the only way to give oblivion that kind of functionality would require reverse engineering the executable and proceeding from there.

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a quick google search turned up two projects to bring multi-player to oblivion, both seem to be dead.


http://csusap.csu.edu.au/~mloxto01/ seems to be the original project, 3 years old, that didnt get past very basic support for two players. there is a forum link off that site with discussion for a second project but all links are dead for that so it would seem that that project and its spawned second project are both dead without being completed.

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