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Oblivion question door help.


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Ok, I am creating a door that once activated will display a message like this:


"Voiceless it cries, wingless flutters, toothless bites mouthless mutters...Who am I?"







When the player chooses the correct answer, the door is unlocked and you can continue to the next room. But when the player chooses the wrong answer he/she is struck by lightning as a penalty. The problem that I am having is in the wrong answers. Once struck by the lightning the MessageBox is closed. When you try to activate the door to try again, nothing happens, the Riddle screen does not show forcing the player to reload a previous game... I am stuck, below is the code that I am using, hope someone can help...Thanks!!!



~Script Below~



ScriptName RiddleDoor


Short controlvar

Short button


Begin OnActivate

If (controlvar == 0 )

MessageBox "Voiceless it cries, wingless flutters, toothless bites, mouthless mutters...What am I?", "Bat", "Wraith", "Wind", "Fire"

Set controlvar to 1

ElseIf ( controlvar > 1 )





Begin GameMode

If ( controlvar == 1 )

Set button to GetButtonPressed

If ( button== -1 )


ElseIf ( Button == 2 )

MessageBox "The Master accepts your answer"

Set controlvar to 2


MessageBox "You have answered incorectly, be punished..."

Cast Mg05FingerSpell15 player

Set controlvar to -1


ElseIf ( controlvar == 2 )


Set controlvar to 3



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Try this instead, changes are marked in bold.



ScriptName RiddleDoor

Short controlvar
Short button

Begin OnActivate
If (controlvar == 0 )
	 MessageBox "Voiceless it cries, wingless flutters, toothless bites, mouthless mutters...What am I?", "Bat", "Wraith", "Wind", "Fire" 
	 Set controlvar to 1
 ElseIf ( controlvar > 1 )

Begin GameMode
If ( controlvar == 1 )
	   Set button to GetButtonPressed
	   If ( button== -1 )
	   ElseIf ( Button == 2 )
			MessageBox "The Master accepts your answer"
			Set controlvar to 2
			MessageBox "You have answered incorectly, be punished..."
			Cast Mg05FingerSpell15 player
			Set controlvar to [b]0[/b]
ElseIf ( controlvar == 2 )
	  [b] setopenstate to 1[/b]
	   Set controlvar to 3


Basically, you weren't resetting the script when a wrong answer was selected. The use of setopenstate is a bit more reliable (and prevents the activate block from running twice) since you have both an activate block and a gamemode block which calls activate, creating a momentary, and unnecessary, loop.

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