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What are some must have mods?


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What are some must have mods besides Mida's magic and Mighty magic (that makes magic actually useful in oblivion)? Looking for more creatures, and better/more weapons. Also list some mod using tools, something like fallout mod manager should exists of oblivion too. Thanks all.
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Supreme Magicka, LAME(less annoying magic experience), the soon to come Fearsome Magicka by brucevayne looks to be amazing.
There's also a mod that adds a side quest to the Wellspring Cave allowing you to make many new types of useful staffs, but I forget the name of it. Type in Wellspring Cave, you might get some results.
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Oh what would I ever do without copy/paste?

Reposted from a different forum:

4 mods to make a pure mage possible:

Midas magic(already mentioned)

LAME (and SM if you want)

RBP (Balances races, birthsigns, etc. and makes them more unique. So an orc is no longer as good at being a mage as high elf is.)

Audacious magery (allows you to use any spell you want, even it's master and you're only a novice. The trade off being that you'll almost certainly take attribute damage, catch a disease, or fail the spell if it's too far above your skill level. It also comes with a very configurable ini file)


Conduit magic is also good for a spell sword type.


Also azerbagb

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In the end 300-400 vs 400-500 isn't much of a big deal. Especially if you go and enchant a bunch of items with fortify magicka. Most decent spells only cost like what 50-100. That's only like one or two extra castings. The only time where that 100 extra magicka truly shines is if it is required to cast some really powerful spell. With RBP there are race and birthsign magicka bonuses that slowly increase as you reach certain levels. By level 18 my Hidden elf/Alyeid(a mage-esque race) had fortify 420 magicka from her race and Atronach birthsign. Then again you probably shouldn't take my examples as meaning too much, I'm not sure about all of the details you're probably better off taking the comparisons in the description.
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Depends on how powerful you want to be. The following mods can be used to create an uber Spell Caster character if thats what you are looking for:

1) Multiple Enchantments: allows from 1 to 6 enchantments per item (removable and replaceable as well) and as a side effect constantly recharges your magical items.

2) Unlimited Rings and Amulets-does just what it says and works with Multiple Enchantments.

3) Staff of Lore...no worrying about charges as it works off of your magica, chooses the best spell for you, and credits it to your experience. Use this in conjunction with normal casting and you are virtually unstoppable.

None of these require any configuring of the CS or working with INI files or selecting specific locations in your Data files. Just download and go.

So, with just those 3 mods you can create an uber mage spell caster. You still have to collect your spells for enchanting: I recommend Chameleon and Fortify Magica to start with. Of course this type of character is really too powerful. Still, I'd like to see someone create some enemies that were just as powerful in a mod.

Of course the uber mod for spell casters is "Hilarity". ...for when you just have to nuke a dungeon or change that Dragon into a sheep (you can forget about experience tho).

All of the others such as LAME, Supreme Magica, Mighty Magick and Midas Magick are just personal preferences and all are very good and will provide you with many different options as far as spell types are concerned. I hope this helped.

BTW here is one final mod to round out your character: "Duplicate Item". I suppose you could call it a cheat...but what a cheat! With this spell you will never run out of Soul Gems, Lockpicks, Repair Hammers, Gems, Gold, Arrows, Potions, Ingredients or anything else you can think of! It quite literally will duplicate anything you can place in a container.

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