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After the Battle mod


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Well then it seems like you have a lot more than i do, would you mind if i joined yours and helped you out a bit. I'm good at making patrols and NPC's, making rooms and other stuff with buildings.

I would really appreciate it Semper45, I'd also appreciate any ideas/plots you can help fold into the project. I'll try to put up a log this weekend (hopefully sooner) so we can collaborate much more efficiently. I'v been pondering google plus as a good way to synchronize our work. I'll make a new post in the independentNV/VivaNV thread when I get home from work. Thanks brother.

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At the moment, I've never used the GECK, so the extent of my skills are writing and voice acting (although I'm an Australian who everyone says sounds British, so I'm not sure if I'll be of much help there). Nonetheless, I'd be keen to learn, although as I've said elsewhere, I'm in my last couple years of school, so the time I could contribute would be quite limited.


My idea is that this should ideally be set up first as simply the ability to play after Hoover Dam without any major canonical conflicts - which simply entails clearing the battle (which you appear to have done) and removing any existing NPC dialogue relating to the dam (and maybe inserting some cut dialogue relating to post-dam content - there's a bit of it floating around somewhere, to my recollection). After that, it can continually be updated with fresh settlements, quests, etc.


Also, absolutely loving the NCR Securitron and BOS Eyebot models!


Out of curiosity, do you see this mod having any major conflicts with any other mods?

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At the moment, I've never used the GECK, so the extent of my skills are writing and voice acting (although I'm an Australian who everyone says sounds British, so I'm not sure if I'll be of much help there). Nonetheless, I'd be keen to learn, although as I've said elsewhere, I'm in my last couple years of school, so the time I could contribute would be quite limited.



try this http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php?title=Main_Page it helps me out a lot.

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My idea is that this should ideally be set up first as simply the ability to play after Hoover Dam without any major canonical conflicts - which simply entails clearing the battle (which you appear to have done) and removing any existing NPC dialogue relating to the dam (and maybe inserting some cut dialogue relating to post-dam content - there's a bit of it floating around somewhere, to my recollection). After that, it can continually be updated with fresh settlements, quests, etc.

Yeah battle conditions are cleaned up. I opened up the legion area past the dam (I think they closed it up for performance reasons and also to make you run the guantlet in full for the end battle). Havn't started removing/changing post battle dialog though. But more on that in the main thread.


Also, absolutely loving the NCR Securitron and BOS Eyebot models!

I do love the idea of baby ED-E clones, alas though, it's only for those who chose the BOS upgrade option (I unfortunately went with the followers). But it will be nice to see a few floating about the wasteland for other players.


Out of curiosity, do you see this mod having any major conflicts with any other mods?

Any mod could.....just depending on what assets it affects and how it's written. Say for instance there is a mod that alters a single line of dialog from General Oliver. If it loads after our mod it will wipe away any and all dialog changes from his dialog quest that we've written. There are ways to insulate that somewhat, by writing a new independent dialog quest. And of course if other mod authors are careful about how they write a mod (for instance using addFormToFormList instead of doing it in geck and overwriting the formlist) it helps tremendously. But in the end there is no way to make your mod bulletproof (at least that I know off).

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Well sounds like we're going to wipe out inappropriate pre-battle dialog first. Are you comfortable working on a dialog quests?


i don't really know how to do that so you can handle it...i'm still learning about the geck.

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So I'm thinking, as far as bang for the buck, it might be good to focus on some visual changes. Primarily how do we imagine NV (and especially the strip) looking if the NCR takes possession. The legion (although I have a pretty good idea on that one)? I'd like to add some faction character and I'd be interested in hearing how you guys imagine the strip would evolve. We can also make new assets if needed (and if they aren't too labor intensive).

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