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Script help please.


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I hate to do this, but I need some help with this script.


All but this part of the script works as it should.. I've attached the whole script.


set rCurrentRef to GetFirstRef 31 2 0
Label 10
if rCurrentRef.GetIsID Caps001
if aaaaGlowingItemsscaps == 1
if aaaaGlowingItemsscapsGreen == 1
rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals aaaaGlowingItemsShaderGreen
elseif aaaaGlowingItemsscapsRed == 1
rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals aaaaGlowingItemsShaderRed
elseif aaaaGlowingItemsscapsBlue == 1
rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals aaaaGlowingItemsShaderBlue
elseif aaaaGlowingItemsscapsWhite == 1
rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals aaaaGlowingItemsShaderWhite
elseif aaaaGlowingItemsscapsYellow == 1
rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals aaaaGlowingItemsShaderYellow
elseif aaaaGlowingItemsscapsPink == 1
rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals aaaaGlowingItemsShaderPink
elseif aaaaGlowingItemsscapsPurple == 1
rCurrentRef.PlayMagicShaderVisuals aaaaGlowingItemsShaderPurple
elseif aaaaGlowingItemsscaps == 0
set rCurrentRef to TeddyBear01
set rCurrentRef to GetNextRef
Goto 10

I'm guessing I'm missing something simple, but I've spent a month on and off working on this script and I've started going around in circles.


This is the esp if you want to take a look at it. everything related to the mod has "aaaa" and "bscan1" at the start of the id.


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It might be something simple, but I can't figure it out either. Of course I have very limited FOSE knowledge. The strange thing is that if you try to do the same thing with the weapons it works. For example, I can put the line "if rCurrentRef.GetIsID Weap10mmPistol" in the script in the Weapons Block and it only shows glowing 10mm pistols as you would expect. For some reason the Misc stuff does not work the same way.

It is strange that you can make all the Misc stuff glow, but not 1 item.

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It might be something simple, but I can't figure it out either. Of course I have very limited FOSE knowledge. The strange thing is that if you try to do the same thing with the weapons it works. For example, I can put the line "if rCurrentRef.GetIsID Weap10mmPistol" in the script in the Weapons Block and it only shows glowing 10mm pistols as you would expect. For some reason the Misc stuff does not work the same way.

It is strange that you can make all the Misc stuff glow, but not 1 item.

The first time I used the caps only script I tried it by itself and it worked. i added a second part to the script for bobby pins and it stopped working after that. even by itself it won't work again.

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Now that sounds familiar. I have had that happen more than once in the GECK. I make a tiny change, then change it back, then nothing works like it did before. The only way I ever get that little issue to go away is redo it completely. I redo it from scratch and it suddenly starts working again. Nothing different at all, but it starts working for some reason.

The only thing I might change is the Global Variable thing. I normally stay away from Global Variables unless I have no choice. I usually go with Variables in Quest Scripts. I don't really think that is the issue here, but its just what I do since the wiki recommends it.

I'll keep looking at it because I hate it when the GECK defeats me, but I am really at a loss right now as to why it is not working.

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OK I think I have it working now. I made some adjustments to the script by putting the Caps part higher in the script. Essentially I swapped the Caps block with the Weapons block. I just started thinking about the GECK and then I started thinking what is the most useless thing I could do the fix this script and then I thought well I guess I will just swap a couple of parts around and then it worked.

Seriously though. I think it might have something to do with another part of the script interfering with the "if rCurrentRef.GetIsID Caps001" line. I could see the script running all it's loops correctly and looking at each item in the cell, but it never came back with an ID that made that line true. Maybe the Misc block above it was doing it, but don't know for sure.

Strange thing is that if I put "if rCurrentRef.GetIsID Weap10mmPistol" down in the weapon block, where it is now, then it works great and only glows 10mm Pistols. But, I wonder if you were to put another weapons block above it to make all weapons glow if that would stop that from working as well. At least I have given you something to think about.



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It also happens in skyrim's creation kit. I've got a glowing items mod for skyrim and the same thing happened with that one.

I'll try rebuilding it and see if it helps.

Thank you.

It looks like whatever is at the bottom doesn't work. I tried moving armor to the bottom of the script and it didn't work, so that looks like the problem.

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No that is not it. The menu system for Armor is messed up a little. It looks like it is pointing to Ammo and I think the "aaaaGlowingitemsTerminalArmorl2" terminal level is missing. Armor does not work at the bottom because it does not work at all. I made the changes to the menu and it works now even at the bottom.

I have checked and everything works for me with those 2 changes. Indoors, outdoors, in Megaton and everywhere else I tried it works. Well the glowing is not always the correct color because of the missing nif files, but the system works.

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